Deal with the guild of studying something else

So I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I’ve been loosely learning Japanese for the past year and since I’m a college student, I also study other subjects; but I’ve met a situation in which I feel guilty for studying something else than Japanese. For example, I tell myself that I could be making progress on my grammar (as I’ve been procrastinating and only doing my Anki everyday for the past month or so) instead of whatever I’m studying right now. It makes it hard to really focus on multiple things, which is a pain in the ass, since I love learning all kinds of things. Am I the only one? If not, how’d you deal with this feeling?

  1. If you’re doing Anki everyday, then you’re still studying Japanese. I don’t see the problem.

    As a college student, your priority is your college subjects. Japanese will still be there for you when you have more time. Don’t stress too much – you’ll burn out!

    If you really want to keep studying Japanese, maybe reduce your study load to a more manageable amount. Instead of learning a grammar point a day, maybe a grammar point a week – or a fortnight. Taking your time might actually improve your retention long term!

  2. Unless Japanese is a class you’re taking, it doesn’t get priority. You should focus on your classes.

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