Oita day trip

What to do in Oita in a day?

The info in the internet is too widely varied and we just can’t decide on anything specific.

Note: Not interested to visit Onsens. Ironic, as Oita is famous for this :v


Drop your suggestions!

  1. The ‘7 hells’ or whatever in Beppu is fine for a day trip. They are not ‘onsen’ in the sense that you actually bathe in them, more like a set of outdoor ‘museums’ highlighting the different ‘natural’ ways the spring water reaches the surface.

  2. Waterfalls and mountains if you have a car. In Kyushu jn general a car is highly recommended

  3. Hi hi I live in Oita. Are you interested in nature and the outdoors? Or more touristy stuff like the monkey mountain?

    There’s a pretty decent aquarium right next to the mountain called Umitamago you could visit, but only if you have nothing else to do.

    My recommendation would be to take the Yufuin No Mori train and spend the day in Yufuin.

  4. There’s an African Safari Park on top of a mountain near Beppu. I went during winter and felt sorry for the animals in the snow. I did get to hold a lion cub though.

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