Horse course!

Had other courses as well however pictured here is:
– horse sushi
– horse sashimi
– horse kushiyaki
– horse yukka
– horse katsu
– horse shabu shabu

  1. Had a horse steak in Italy recently and was simply amazed at how good it was. The flavor difference to beef is striking but hard to describe.

  2. I had some great basashi at a soba shop in Kawaguchiko that I still think fondly of.

    My former horse girl wife does not enjoy this line of reminiscence.

  3. Looks delicious I wish i tried it now. I saw restaurants serving horse sashimi in Shinjuku but I was too worried to try it haha

  4. Wow that is significantly better marbled than what I had. When I had horse in Tokyo it looked less like beef and almost like maguro.

  5. Try whale next I wanna know why they kill sooooooo many of ‘em (Japan is small but burns lots of trash and kills lots of whales which are a huge carbon offset on par with forests in converting CO2 to O2 with poop causing massive phytoplankton / algae blooms and it stores carbon in its body and when it dies sinks to the ocean floor taking carbon out of the air for centuries, Japan is a small country but is a BIG polluter)

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