yaho auctions – kombini pay, with overseas CC?

hey guys,

just wondering if anyone knows, if I select convenience store payment for yahoo auctions, can I use my CC to pay for it at the kombini? As my foreign CC works for everything else I buy from the kombini, but they insisted cash only once when I paid for my health insurance there, so wondering if I’ll have the same issue.

long story short is my CC chip isn’t working properly so I can’t withdraw cash, but CC still works with pay wave.

I searched but couldn’t find an answer.

thanks! 🙂

  1. combini payments (internet payments) mostly let you pay with cash / their payment methods( nanaco / famipay ect ect.) only.
    yahoo auctions support credit card payments right? I’ve only used it 2-3 times always paid with my CC

  2. I am curious though. There should be a credit card payment option on yahoo auction itself right? Why you have to choose convini payment then want to use your credit card?

  3. payment laws have changed, but my understanding is that for a long time these sort of “pay at convenience store” services could be offered by convenience stores only through a specific kind of license (a “we can hold onto your money for a bit” license). This license meant that they could only take cash for this, and credit cards would not be usable on account of that actually being a line of credit that isn’t 100% guaranteed to be paid out (CC fraud).

    I might have misunderstood the (pre-2019 I think?) payment law on this, and it could purely be a business thing, but yeah my experience has been konbini pay has always excluded cash.

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