This is pure evil. I am thankful I got out when I did but feel for those teachers still doing the grind. This is proper fucked.
This is pure evil. I am thankful I got out when I did but feel for those teachers still doing the grind. This is proper fucked.
Is this even real? Can’t be.
Negative paycheck??? How the fuck is this legal?
this reads like a parody, are we sure this is real? why would they need to define a list of reasons that includes accidents and (child) emergencies? and why would they *specifically* say that puking in class will be counted as a cancelled lesson?
People may need to accept that these kind of jobs are for people on extended Japan visits and not a career. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people are willing to volunteer for these just for the chance to live in anime . . .I mean Japan.
Good gods. I mean, I was at NOVA back when the bankruptcy hit, and I thought the place was a toxic money trap back then. This is just abominable.
They are both owned by the same company, and honestly this is not a surprise to me at all. The people in charge are sociopaths who care about only one thing, and spoilers: it isn’t their workforce.