Junior high students in Japan city to use generative AI for English conversation practice – The Mainichi

Junior high students in Japan city to use generative AI for English conversation practice – The Mainichi

  1. “By creating an educational environment that is comparable to that of urban areas, we hope to increase the number of people who want to move from big cities so their kids can get an education in Kyotango.” 😂 😂 😂

  2. Not a terrible way to go. The tech is not great (yet), but a functional, interactive use of language is something that has always been lacking in schools here, and this kind of app will check those boxes.

  3. A last-ditch effort to get people to move to the city, apparently.

    I’m not sure what would stop interested parents from just finding out what program they’re using and signing up for it directly.

  4. I’m wondering if it will kill the whole alt/jet system on the long run. Not that they will be missed* but it mean no more easy access to japan residency for many.
    (*ai will be just as bad but we all know improving the students English level was never a real goal)

  5. Of course!!! Then they can get rid of the native teachers who have done nothing but hold Japan back in their pursuit of learning English!

  6. Meanwhile I’m trying to teach my senior highs school kids not to use it for writing their essays. What a world we live in

  7. “If we create a generative AI system for English conversation practice then we can practice our English in a completely safe and sanitized Japanese-created environment and we won’t have to without interact with any of those foreigners!”

  8. Students really just need the opportunity to interact with each other, in English during lessons instead of the teachers conducting grammar memorization, in Japanese. Unfortunately they just keep trying to compensate for lessons based on an outdated model and students never actually get better.

  9. I think, on the surface, this is a good idea. I think it could be a great way for students to practice English. In practice, though, I think it’s going to be underutilized for its purpose and detrimental over all.

  10. More of the same old story: avoid giving actual responsibilities to the foreigners at all costs, even the qualified ones.

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