Yellow Fever Vaccine

Hello everyone,

Because I’m new to Reddit, I hope the admin will allow my post.

I’m writing to inquire about Yellow Fever Vaccine availability in the Kanto Area. I went through the earlier posts, but I only found one that was four years old, and I couldn’t find the answers I needed.
I’m considering a short business trip to Nigeria in a few weeks and, according to my knowledge, the Yellow Fever Vaccine is required before departure. Could somebody provide information about clinics/locations for Yellow Fever Vaccine? Thank you.

  1. Searching ‘yellow fever vaccine Japan’ brought up a list of 4 clinics within Kanto on the very first result. Using ‘黄熱病ワクチン’ would probably yield even more options.

    Seriously, did you even try looking on your own?

  2. I thought this was a _’Whose Line is it Anyway – if y’know what I mean’_ skit, but I guess you were serious.

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