Certificate of Employment Insurance and Hello Work

I’m looking to use the 教育訓練給付制度 and was wondering how does one go about getting the Certificate of Employment Insurance (Certificate of Eligibility for Employment)? I am wondering if I have to ask my employer for it, or if Hello Work, is able to provide that to me on their own? If they do, is that via them calling my employer to obtain it, or do they have these things in their system already?

I ask this because, I don’t necessarily want my employer to KNOW that I am speaking with Hello Work. I’m using this to take a course, but feel like if I ask for the Certificate of Employment Insurance their first thought is “this person is going to leave/break contract” I’m soon supposed to be getting my visa renewed and I worry that if they know I’m in talks with Hello Work, they’ll think I won’t plan to stay and not let me recontract. Anyone used this program/service before WHILE still employed? Did you have to contact/did Hello Work have to contact your employer directly?

  1. >I’m using this to take a course, but feel like if I ask for the Certificate of Employment Insurance their first thought is “this person is going to leave/break contract”

    If you end up needing to ask your employer, then you can just tell them that you need it for a course. Simple.

  2. You need it for applying for PR. You can download a template online and just have them stamp it and say its for that.

  3. You can get it from hello work but my husband did it recently and they wouldn’t actually let him take it, only take a picture of the paper

  4. I just did it this week. If you are already elegible or will be elegible by the course start date, payed 25% of the tuition, the course is deemed elegible by hellowork, and you have the reference number from the course, just show up to hello work with your zairyu card and you’ll be good to go. No need to contact your employer, they can verify your eligibility themselves on their system. I’m gonna do the career consulting interview in a couple weeks.

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