Need help with itinerary list; Staying in Tokyo and Kyoto (Nov. 12 – Nov. 20.)

This is gonna be my first trip to japan and I don’t think it’s a surprise if I have over done it with what my father and I can get to see before going home (It’s his second time there).

I was a huge anime/manga fan when I was younger and while I still watch anime and read manga nowadays, my interest in Japan has expanded to it’s culture, food, people, history and nature. I only got about a week before I go back home and who knows when I will return. I have a big, empty luggage with barely any clothing with me, as I wanna make room for whatever I find that Ill take with me home.

I created a custom map that shows spots in Tokyo I’ve taken interest in and Ill see if I can be creative about Kyoto when I’m over there. What I feel like I’m missing on the map is something that is more in the eastern districts.

I would not mind feedback on places not mentioned that would fit me.


My plane lands in Narita airport at 2PM Nov. 12 and my dad will meet me there. Afterwards, we will take the train into Tokyo and arrive at Asakusa Hotel at about 4PM. My plan is to just place my luggage in the room and get out there as soon as possible, before the jetlag really settles in and I’m too tired to think of anything.

I can imagine that my father and I will just stroll around the local streets of Asakusa, possibly visiting the Senso-ji temple – and get back there another day, possibly in the early hours.

If anything, I can imagine wandering around is what will make me get a good feeling of Tokyo at first. Take a look at some shops, bars, cafés and restaurants, before returning to the hotel, just before midnight and get myself ready to wake up early the next day.

**Exploring Tokyo.**

I like walking and hiking, but I know I can’t underestimate the size of the city, as I want to get to Shibuya and get a look at the famous crossing, visit Tsutuya nearby to look for some specific J-pop merch.

Whether we’re gonna go by foot or train, I will check up on certain spots that I’ve marked and see what means of transportation mostly makes sense, if we had to for example get to Sakura Bridge as the next step or visit Ryogoku temple.

I know I want to try and ride with Tokyo’s metro line but I don’t want to be too dependent on it, otherwise Ill spend too much time in a train car rather than seeing the city.

**Kanagawa and Mount Takao**

Besides Kyoto, I’ve taken a look at a few spots away from the city.

I wanna go to southern Kanagawa, specifically it has a few spots that was used as inspiration from the manga Slam Dunk. Kotoku-in nearby is also something that seems like an interesting place to go to.

Mount Takao is something many has recommended as a nice hiking place. My father and I loves to hike whenever we’re down in Italy. I can imagine we’re doing this on the 14th, if the weather seems promising as it is.

**Kyoto (Nov. 15th – 20th(?))**

As mentioned before, I actually don’t have any prober planning on what we could do when we get there.

We don’t even know if we’ll stay there until we have to catch our plane in Narita. It depends on whether I felt like Tokyo was too intimidating or there are still things there that I need to check out.

Would not mind feedback on this as well.

Forgot to mention that we both have our rail passes ready already, so we can be flexible with transportation.

  1. Tsutaya in Shibuya near the crossing is CLOSED right now! The famous Starbucks on the second floor is closed too (they are doing renovations on the building).

    There’s not much info on this post so just be aware of the map- for example, Shibuya’s on the way other side of the city than Asakusa is, and try to group your explorations together. Shibuya and Shinjuku? Nice. Shibuya and Akihabara? I mean I guess but they’re not so close.

    Kyoto is also extremely different than Tokyo, but, will be very busy during late November due to autumn.

  2. 5 days in Kyoto is a lot for this length of trip. Nara and Osaka are under an hour away by train, if you wanted to take day trips to either.

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