Ways to work as a permanent employee in some restaurants or conbini? Feeling really Hopeless.

I was hired as a frontend developer (having 2 years of experience )by a startup (dispatch company here :/ I didn’t know and wanted to save my parents’ money), At that time I didn’t know much, and they told me that I would become a permanent employee after the contract length of 3 months is over, However, Currently It has been a month and no project or work has been assigned to me at all. So I am guessing that… since they can not find any project for me, I will be jobless by next year in January. While I do still have my working visa valid till October of next year(Engineering/international services/Humanities), I was wondering If there is a way to get employed as a full-time employee in a fast food restaurant like Ringer Hut and MacDonald, I have seen a lot of international workers who work there full time! So I was thinking of getting the full-time role there in case I am not able to find anything before my visa validity runs out…. I don’t really want to go back to my country like this since I would really feel that I have wasted a lot of money. I was thinking of helping my sister and some friends I know by providing them with some money after I get a job here, But so far I feel like I have been living without gaining anything here, the jobs in my country pays as much as a weekly wage that anyone gets here :/ , Is there any way around this situation? I feel really depressed and have been sleeping no more than 3 hours a day, and it has been 6 months like that.. The first few months went to find a company and now currently preparing for JLPT N2 next year, And searching for other companies in advance after finding out that I will be unemployed, Any general advice is welcomed too! I could really use some help !! Also, I thought of starting freelancing by buying a laptop(I didn’t buy it since i thought the company would provide it, but they didn’t/ Plus I got no Idea how will I start here) and brushing up my coding skills! I managed to make a typescript and Next.js portfolio and integrated a form, validating it using zod but, That took a lot of time since I have to go to an internet cafe…

  1. So you work for a haken company or your seishain in the grace period?

    If you’re haken. They’ll find you a new place.
    They still technically need a reason to get rid of you during the trial period.

    If you’re worried go by the labor board. I’ve gone a few times just so I could understand the laws and my contract better.

    You can get a part time job at a restaurant if you apply for working outside your visa. But it’s not long term.

  2. Well the problem is, is that you have to inform immigration within 14 days of getting fired/quitting. Your job will also do this, so don’t not do it as they’ll know either way.

    You then have a little bit of leeway with finding a new job yes. Immigration can eventually revoke your visa over time but as long as you are actively job hunting for a job within the scope of your visa you are usually fine.

    However working at a fast food place does not fall under your visa type so even if you were employed full time, that job would be insufficient for your visa. If you wanted to work in fast food (part-time) you would need to fill out the ‘permission to engage in other activities’ application which again – immigration by this point will already know that you are unemployed by a company that falls under your status and this extra permission will almost certainly be denied. Failure to get this permission = working illegally.

    Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but once you stop engaging in your visa activity – your permissions for other activities also stops? At least it does when students quit studying.

    Like you can apply for permission now and work part-time now at a conbini or fast food but if you no longer continue your employment for whatever reason then that won’t work out for you once that happens.

    >I have seen a lot of international workers who work there full time!

    permanent residents, Spouses of nationals/PR, and long term residents basically have no limitations to their working hours or industry.

    Chances are 100% that the people you see are on one of these visas/resident statuses if they are not part-time which again I feel like it’s hard to gauge if a worker is part-time or full-time or not without specifically asking them no?

  3. Sorry to hear that, but working in those industry require long-term, Spouse, or PR visa.

  4. I know some people that are working in combini as seishain. they went to some vocational training school ( can’t remember the course but something like business IT) all of them had to hire a lawyer to get the visa fixed.

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