A little disappointed with placement – Shimane

So placements came out yesterday for the US. I’m 85 percent excited but 15 percent disappointed. I’ve been wanting to do JET since I was 12 when my brother was an ALT. I’m super stoked, and I know placement isn’t guarenteed but I was hoping for a more urban placement near Central Japan.

Well I got Shimane, which I never even heard of since yesterday. Researching it I was a bit disheartened that it is the 2nd least populated prefecture. Also because it’s not really a place people go to visit, I can barely find any information to kinda help cheer me up or get me excited.

I’m trying not to compare placements with other people in the discord but it does make me a bit sad seeing almost everyone get these really cool cities and prefectures.

I’m super excited to go this July but I won’t lie and say I’m not a little sad. If anyone is or was placed in Shimane I’d big time appreciate it if you tell me about some of your favorite things about the prefecture and favorite things to do.

EDIT – I love you guys so much. Thank you for listening to me vent and telling me your stories. I love hearing about your recommendations, and instances where you were a little disappointed but ended up loving your placement. I can’t tell you how much you responses helped me feel better and really build my excitement up for the prefecture. 💚💚💚

  1. I really relate to your feelings! When I got my placement, it felt like a rock in the pit of my stomach. I felt 0 enthusiasm about being shipped off to the middle of nowhere. People would ask me about my upcoming move and I’d change the subject. Other JETs would talk about all the cool things they’d found online about their placements and I’d just sit silently. The only things I’d found online about my region was “it’s not really worth going to.” I was convinced I drawn the short end of the stick placement wise. I think pure stubbornness and a refusal to admit defeat were the main things that got me on the plane.

    And then I got here, and I loved it. Being in a small town meant that people knew who I was and went out of their way to welcome me and help me settle in. I’d see my kids around town and they’d always wave enthusiastically. The remoteness ment that the local ALTs were close knit and willing to drive long distances to hang out. Being surrounded by mountains and the sea was more picturesque than I ever could have imagined. I ended up staying the whole 5 years. I’m leaving in July and am absolutely torn up about it

    It may seem cliche, but I think there’s a reason the Life After BOE comic at the top of the placement thread has been so enduring. A lot of JETs end up in rural areas and a lot of us aren’t to jazzed about our placements going into it. But once you arrive, you realize how many hidden jems there are in your placement

  2. While I was not placed there (I’m Ehime) I did travel there to meet some Shimane JETs and climb Mt. Sanbe.

    I think there are three paths for you. Enjoy the outdoors, take the bus to Hiroshima every weekend, be a shut in.

    If I’m remembering correctly, the person who was in Shimane before my friend was there for 5 years. And that’s in a rural part of Shimane. So you can definitely enjoy it wherever you are. It’s all about what you make of the experience, as is the case with the majority of JET placements.

  3. I was placed in a small mountain town in Niigata prefecture, and while I missed having some of the city night life my friends had, I wouldn’t change my placement for anything. In smaller, rural areas you really get a good feel for “true” Japan, and you’ll be able to enjoy much more intimate festivals and traditional gatherings. In my town I went to a thing where about forty people showed up, including the mayor, and it felt really cool to be up close and personal with the local elders who were hosting the event. In larger cities they have festivals, but 100,000 people show up lol. I had the pleasure of eating food cooked over a fire and getting drunk with the mayor. Can’t say I would have had that in an urban placement.

    Also, rural placements allow you to have deeper connections with the community. You will see your students and coworkers around town, youll likely get invited to more things, and you’ll make a bigger impact.

    If you truly hate your placement after a year, you can always try to request for a transfer. But I think you’ll come to like it after some time.

    Just my two cents ✨

    Edited to add: Even though I finished JET in 2021 I’m actually planning to reapply this year, and I’m going to try to be placed back in the small town in Niigata. It was such an enjoyable time (temporarily ruined by COVID) that I’m willing to go through the whole rigamarole of applying and interviewing just to be able to go back again. There’s just something about rural Japan that’s so magical 🌾

  4. Honestly, you’ve got to just let go of any expectations and embrace the ESID of it all or else you’ll only be limiting yourself. I understand you probably just want to vent which is valid, but sit on the placement a little longer and give it a chance. Maybe you’ll be glad to be proven wrong in the future. You should take the time to do some more research and really flesh out the pros that you might’ve missed. Let yourself grieve over the urban central placement and then start getting excited all over again 🙂

  5. So I originally wanted an urban placement.

    Instead I got thrown into a tiny town that closed at 8pm, with nothing to do. I almost cried and consider dropping my placement. But I thought I’d at least owe it to myself to check it out.

    A few weeks into my placement, I thought I’d give it a year and then go back home. I mean, I lived in the middle of nowhere, Japan.

    I’m finishing my 5th year and I wished I could stay here one more year. I even got offered a new job in a major city and I turned it down because I loved my placement so much (and pay was awful).

    Trust me, your placement can actually be was more amazing than you think.

  6. I think you’re going to love it! The yearly average temps in Shimane is a lot more mild compared to other places in Japan, and although it’s a lesser populated prefecture, you still have access to lots of transportation! 3 airports if I’m not mistaken and the JR west line. Rent will be cheaper and it’s so beautiful. My advice is to fully dive into Shimane and try and find all the little things that make it unique. Best of luck!

  7. Thank you so much everyone for your replies and listening to my vent. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it 💚💚💚

  8. Shimane looks soooo beautiful. I have no doubt you will grow to LOVE it! ❤️

  9. Japan is really “local” so you will find all the special things about your community no matter where you go. It’s hard to capture that in big cities like Tokyo and Osaka.

  10. Shimane JET here! I was in the same boat as you when I first received my placement information – “What is a Shimane?!” I asked. However, I have grown to really, really love it here and I know I’ll miss this place when I leave. It’s very relaxed and the people are very kind. I feel the JET community here is also pretty tight, there are several events which are held and it’s easy to reach out to someone if you need to. I kind of consider myself lucky that I was placed here because not many people have the opportunity to visit Shimane so there’s always that.

    About the urban city thing, Shimane basically has 2 main cities – Matsue and Izumo. If you have a car you’ll be able to travel to other cities with relative ease. Since living here, I have been to Hiroshima countless times, Okayama, Himeji, Iwakuni, Matsuyama, Kochi, Tottori city, and I even drove to Osaka one weekend. So you’ll definitely be able to experience city life too!

    I really hope Shimane will grow on you like it did for me 🙂

  11. I got Kagoshima honestly not what I expected but am excited. What worries me I haven’t heard so much about this prefecture am not even sure if am the first ALT or what. If any knows please share details.

  12. If it makes you feel any better, I had been to Japan multiple times for vacation and had looked at so many places. Shimane was definitely a place I had heard about!

    When I saw my placement was in Ibaraki, I was like, “Where tf is that??” Doing some preliminary research, I found out it is almost consistently voted “The least attractive prefecture”. It was also far from all my requests (Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyoto). Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed.

    However, I was determined to go and make the most of it, no matter my placement. This placement has been awesome! My city is pretty sleepy but I’m near a bunch of things. My schools and JTEs have been awesome. Overall, I’m happy.

    Know that there are tons of awesome places in Japan, even if you don’t hear too much about it on the Internet and a cool placement is just as much about the people you meet as the places you’ll see 🙂 Have a great adventure in Shimane! I’m jealous!

  13. Shimane has got good beaches. I always think beaches on the Sea of Japan side are much better than the Pacific Ocean. That is one thing I cannot enjoy living in Tokyo

    The largest cities are Matsue and Izumo and you could find night life in both of those places. Going a little bit further, even Tottori Prefecture’s Miho Bay area has a lot of interesting beaches and BBQ places.

    The only thing you might conceivably miss is American Restaurants that places like Osaka and Tokyo might only have but it wasn’t so much of a problem for me.

    I was an ALT in rural Chiba for a while and during my first few weeks, all I wanted to do was go to Tokyo which was 2 hours away. But afterwards, I could find a local group of friends to hang out with and drink together at night and going to the big city became less important to me.

  14. I’m not super excited about my placement either (Mainly because the prefecture is so huge I could be in the city or the middle of nowhere).

    I put my preference as Urban only so hoping I don’t end up too close to wildlife and bugs.

  15. Hey, I’m in Oita and also living the small city life. The worst you can do is compare to anyone else because it’s just gonna make you sad.

    One great thing about lesser known/populated areas is that the local people can be really nice. Sure you’ll get more stares but I’ve found that people in Oita are so much more welcoming than those in bigger urban cities. I’d bet the same is true in Shimane.

    Also, you get to explore a new and relatively unknown area. Who knows what gems you might find! Looks like Shimane has awesome beaches and mountains, so you’ve lucked out on the scenic side. You’re right next door to Hiroshima and Yamaguchi, too.

    Try not to feel too disappointed with your placement, I know it’s daunting because it’s potentially your home for the 3+ years. Take care !

  16. Shimane? Never heard of it. Are you sure you didn’t get Tottori?
    Tbh it’s not too awful, you are still reasonably close to Fukuoka.

  17. Hey there, I’m a current Shimane JET and happy to chat any time if it’ll help 😊

  18. I’m also an incoming JET and placed in Shimane-Ken, too! I felt this post 100%. My top 3s were somewhere in central Japan or Fukuoka.

    Likewise, I’ve never heard of the prefecture until I told my Japanese friends and their reaction was like “omg you’re in the deep of inaka” especially in the town where I was placed (Kawamoto). Reading what Shimane has to offer (surrounding cities, activities/events, community, etc) and it being completely unexpected, I’m looking forward to see where this journey leads.

    I also found this website that might help. It looks like an official blog / guide by Jets in Shimane that I found pretty resourceful.


    Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you want to connect! 🤙

  19. It could have been Tottori 👀 Jokes aside, Shimane is lovely and I absolutely love Izumo. If you need company, hit me up, I’m in Tottori prefecture!

  20. I got Shimane! I’m really hyped, it’s near Hiroshima and the west coast isn’t something many get to see, lots of cool islands too! 😊

  21. I had friends who were Alts in shimane (I’m in kyoto-shi) and they did say it was very slow, but you’re also super close to the beach. They used to go swim after work just for fun. Also you’re close to tottori, Nagasaki, Hiroshima. Further away you could travel to Kyushu (which I love) and also Okayama, naoshima 🙂 you’re in a good location. Once you get to japan, you’ll realize each prefecture has so much to offer

  22. Aw this made me a wee bit sad as a former Shimane JET. It was such a wonderfully amazing experience. The culture is so well preserved in every city and there are a boat-load of events to do all year round. As well as lots of community events and you get involved in a lot of city shenanigans with your BOE if you have one (unsure if you’re prefectural or not). I requested all of Tohoku basically and got Shimane. It is gorgeous, driving is easy and relaxing, weather is pretty mild with a snow here and there in the winter. It is truly a wonderful place. If you’re in the Matsue/Yasugi area, please feel free to message me. I know a bit about Izumo as well.

    Check these instagrams:





    EDIT to include where I rented the car from that I used for the two years I was there. It was cheap, you pay insurance either for the entire year or they will automatically take it out of your paycheck and they change the tires for you in the winter with no extra fees. It is a little family business where the lady gave us tea and snacks while our cars were serviced. We were given replacement cars if ours needed long repairs. I also left my purse there once and I called her and she stayed late for me to come get it:


  23. Just want to chime in that I live in a well-populated area of the Chugoku region and we take about 80% of our family vacations in Shimane. We’ve been thinking of actually moving to Matsue in the future as well. It’s a wonderful place and people are very warm in our experience, compared to some other areas in the region we’ve been to. I also might note that although we live in a highly-populated prefecture, our town doesn’t even have a Starbucks (what some westerners might be surprised to hear). Your placement is sometimes less about the prefecture and more about the city. A big city in a less-populated prefecture might be more exciting to you than a small town in a more heavily-populated prefecture. Anyway, there is lots to do in Shimane. I doubt you’ll be disappointed!

    Edit: Things to do heavily depend on your tastes. I have a family, so we like to do things such as: go to the Vogel Park, have cabin stays and temple retreats at places like Ichibata Yakushi, go to the Sunset Museum and surrounding areas at Lake Shinji, visit the winery and other coastal areas (lighthouse, gorgeous beaches and small islands, etc.), Go to the cinema or Donki (our town has neither), eat basically any fast foods we’re craving (Pizza Hut, KFC, etc., which don’t exist in our town), go hiking or attend one of the many city events, visit Izumo Taisha (oldest shrine in Japan), and much more.

    Edit 2: something else I love about Shimane are the variety of bespoke and eclectic little retreats people have put together. There are so many cute and amazing getaways for daytrips in Shimane, from private onsen to lavish glamping to beach houses with all the bells and whistles.

  24. I know a bunch of people have already left comments so maybe you don’t need any help, but I’m also a current 2nd year Shimane JET!

    I know that a place like Shimane might not have been your first choice, but please keep an open mind because Shimane is really such a great place! Because it’s less populated, not a huge tourist destination like Tokyo or Osaka or something likely that, it might be hard for you to find a lot of info on it now. but there is info out there! and you’ll find out tons once your arrive! the people out here are so nice and friendly and helpful (Japanese locals and other JETS~). there’s lots of cultural things and festival going on throughout the year. we do have touristy things to do and you can always travel to Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, even Fukuoka isn’t too far! I really do hope you’ll keep an open mind about your situation!

    I know you don’t know your location, but i’m located in a city called Masuda. so if you end up near there, hit me up!😁

  25. I don’t live in Shimane but I’ve been wanting to travel there forever. It looks beautiful AND all the gods abandon the rest of Japan to go drink and party and decide marriages for all of October. Keep an open mind 🙂 there’s amazing stuff everywhere to discover.

    Fwiw I think getting a placement is inherently a little disappointing. It shuts off all the what ifs, no matter what the result is.

  26. I’m a former Shimane JET, from the smallest city in the prefecture. Shimane is really beautiful and full of history! I went swimming at the beach all the time. Hamada and Gotsu have some beautiful beaches, pretty sure other cities too but that’s where I swam.
    Matsue is my favorite city in Japan, it has a lot of hidden beauty that is underrated. You should make a trip to Tamatsukuri during cherry blossom season, it’s amazing!
    Shimane is famous for Kagura, make sure to attend one of the shows! You’ll have a great time!

  27. It will be a very personal experience with the community and likely really open your eyes. You have a purpose there you just haven’t found it yet. Keep heart brave soldier

  28. Congratulations, you get to actually experience Japan. Sorry you won’t be riding mario go-carts around downtown Tokyo, but you’re getting something far more interesting and enriching.

    In the megacities you’re just one of millions of foreigners, will probably spend all your time with other foreigners, and nobody has time for you. Outside of the city blob, people are so much more generous.

  29. ‘Bout to end a 6 year stint in Shimane, 3 years on one of the Oki Islands (a must visit as they are ridiculously beautiful) and 3 years in one of the cities of Shimane. Feel free to hit me up for info (and furniture, I need to get rid of it 😉 ).

    I had fun with people back home who’d ask me “How’s Tokyo?”. I’d send them ‘Your Name’ and go: “You think I live here, but actually, I live HERE.” XD

    The ESID is strong with this one. It depends on your personality, situation (pandemic, anyone?), luck of the draw with people in the vicinity, the whole shebang.

    Personally I had a hard time on the island. Since I didn’t have a job there (as a dependent) and worked online I quickly got hella isolated. Basically pandemic mode before there was a P of pandemic. Had a good community that kept me up when they could and always had my partner, but I didn’t integrate there. Switching to a city (um…town?) made a huge difference. Ofc pandemic issues but some little things made a huge difference for me personally, and some of the forced changes in Japan that came from the pandemic have actually made quality of life progress too.

    As some people have mentioned there’s quite a few things to see locally. It is also decently connected with a flight Izumo-Osaka and train lines that are going to get some upgrades in 2024. Me, I hate crowds so Tokyo never enticed me, I love the safer, cleaner, more spacious life of Shimane. I love the Vogel Park, I love Matsue Castle, I love being able to go for a run in nature filled or nature adjacent areas. I love video games and the internet here is pretty good. The JET community is also much closer and helpful than in some other places if you want to be a part of it, really lucked out on that front.

    (again depending on circumstance) but the JET pay is pretty good for a single person so I don’t think it will be a problem to travel around and still experience the more “shiny” Japan.

    It’s not for everyone, and it’s helpful if it comes to you in the right time of life, but it can be a truly positively life-changing place.

  30. The thing is: don’t underestimate your placement before you get there.

    I though my placement in Kyushu’s countryside was going to be aweful. It ended up being one of the best experiences of my life despite not being what I wanted.

  31. I’m in Shimane now!! Please don’t be disappointed!

    It’s amazing here. The people are so nice (last weekend I helped one of my teachers and her kids plant potatoes in her yard and I took home like 20 pounds of onions) and we have all the amenities of other prefectures and MORE! I’m about to go on a rant about how much I love it here.

    You will likely drive a car. I LOVE driving in Japan. It opens up a lot of opportunities to explore places you otherwise couldn’t. You’ll be able to get in on the Japanese drivers’ license club, too! Not only can you drive, but we have an airport that goes to most major cities around Japan. The highway buses are another super easy way to travel. There is a beautiful castle in Matsue, and the Izumo area is full of amazing history and cool shrines and temples to visit (I absolutely love Taisha and Hinomisaki). The nature here is outstanding. The community is fantastic. The shopping is great! You can drive to Hiroshima for a day trip! You can get to Osaka in just a few hours by highway bus or car! Tokyo is only 1 hour away by plane! You can go camping and see the stars! You can swim in the ocean! We have access to the beach AND the mountains. There are tons of great cafes. There’s a cat cafe right by my apartment! You will not regret coming here. Many people reject their offer from JET when they find out they’ve been placed in Shimane, which makes me very sad. Get excited! It’s great!!

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