Russia to deal blow to Japan by installing new operator for Sakhalin 2 energy project

Russia to deal blow to Japan by installing new operator for Sakhalin 2 energy project

  1. Hopefully this will show that no country or non-Russian company should be placing their security or resources in the hands of Putin.

  2. Russia is somehow making investment in their country an even less appealing prospect than before

  3. Good for us in Japan as well as others to wake up from the delusion that Russia or China can ever be friends or partners.

  4. “deal blow”…. what are they trying to slap fight us now or something? we using a WWE-filter on our translator for our news headlines now? the only blow i imagine them dealing is some powdery nonsense.

  5. Well isn’t that a surprise.

    Not quite sure why Japan cares so much more about Ukraine than Afghanstan, Iraq or Libya, but we can see they did not assist sanctioning America over them. So why coordinate in sanctions against Russia now?

    Oh, that’s right. A vassal state has no free will. So now some of us might freeze to death this winter because Japan just has to keep kissing the gunner’s daughter for American Bligh’s pleasure. (Thwack! And another! Thwack!)

  6. If Japan insists on being the lapdog of the Washington neocons, they have to pay for the privilege.

  7. and now another reason to increase the price of onions in Japan. ¥170 an onion with gas shortages, drought and +35 degree temperatures who knows.

  8. Kinda feel if Japan and Europe don’t want to not be the control of putin they are gonna need to lean hard into nuclear. At least for Japan and France they have the reactors, Germany kinda has themselves in a bad place.

  9. If possible. Japan should fully sanction them. No gas, or Sea Urchin, nothing… in or out. Russia nationalizing foreign investment is a good sign of a failing state.

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