Birth control pills & online consultations: legit or scam?

A question mostly for the ladies in this sub: I know that birth control pills are only available with a doctor consultation, but I’ve seen a few sites online offering online consultations and pill shipping anywhere in Japan. The sites are usually in English and catering to foreigners.

Are these legit? Has anyone here used a similar service?


  1. I’m not a lady. But I know Japan and can give you answer.

    To answer if the doctor you say is legit, it’s better to show us its website. But there must be legit doctors who can give you birth control pills online [like this](

  2. I’m not a woman, and I’ve never gotten birth control, but I’ve done online consultations for ED medicine, and it’s a real thing here in Japan. I imagine the same would be true for other types of medication. These sites are also in English and cater to foreigners.

  3. Not sure about the online part, but make sure to be careful what info you give about why you want the pill. If it’s for birth control, that’s not covered by insurance generally (unless you’ve had a bunch of kiddos) but if a doctor deems it necessary for health reasons it is. Source: the very nice female English speaking gyno I see every three months to get my prescription. I had nightmare pms so she suggested hormonal birth control. Costs little to nothing thanks to insurance and I enjoy the little chats with the doc.

  4. Yes, they are legit. I’ve used スマルナ and クリニックフォア with no issues. Just check the reviews for whatever service you want to use.

  5. Yes. I’ve used K Ladies Clinic Shinjuku and got pills mailed to me. I confirmed I’ve used BC before and thus skipped the step of meeting with a doctor.

  6. For the first time visit and prescription I went in person, but after that I just do it online with the same clinic

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