Antidepressant help (Nagoya area)

I’ve had diagnosed clinical depression for 11 years. I’ve been on and off different meds, been in and out of therapy, and done the whole shebang many times over.

Generally, the past five years or so, I tried to stay away from meds as I’m not too fond of how they make me feel, and I’ve been managing pretty well. I’ve developed a fairly good handle on how to live with it over the years.

However, these past six months, I’ve inexplicably taken a major downturn and I haven’t been able to pull myself out through any of my normal methods. For the time being, I’d like to get back on antidepressants to help me stabilize, but I’ve only been here for a few years so I’m completely oblivious as to how to navigate the mental health field in Japan.

Any help would be appreciated. I looked at the sub wiki but there wasn’t much there.

I live in Nagoya for reference.

(Before anyone asks, I’m not suicidal. I just want to have more weekends where I can get out of bed.)

  1. On Monday, see if you can find a psychiatrist 精神科 seishinka in your area and explain to the doctor there your history and how you’ve been feeling recently. You’ll be able to get a prescription for some medication. You can fill the prescription at the pharmacy. Both psychiatry and psychiatric medication is covered under Japanese health insurance. I don’t live in Nagoya so hopefully someone can chime in for a specific clinic or hospital.

    Antidepressants can take 6-12 weeks to fully feel the effects, so it won’t be an overnight change. Have some other supports in place, like [TELL]( and call for an ambulance if you start feeling suicidal.

    Best of luck.

  2. はやかわこころのクリニック in 一社

    Dr Hayakawa speaks English and she’s really lovely. You don’t need a referral or anything, can just call and make an appointment (they have an English speaking liaison person too if needed).

    The first consultation is ¥5000 I think? After that it’s ¥1500, but you’ll need to go every month for prescriptions to start with so she can see how you’re going.

    If you need blood tests (which is not a bad idea as a lot of things like hypothyroidism, love Vit D, low iron can affect mood), Dr Hayakawa will also do these for you.

    I can also recommend a great Psychologist but she specialises in longer term psychotherapy rather than brief intervention stuff.

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