Where can I play with fireworks?

I bought some firecrackers, where can I use them? They shoot up 15-20m in the sky.
Got them from Don Qui.

I live in Koto Ku, if anyone knows any place nearby?

  1. I used to play with fireworks in the beach back in niigata. it was fun in summy but this won’t be the perfect season because it’s cold now🥲

  2. I went to the koban and asked there. No surprise they didn’t know their arse from a tanuki. They did say i couldn’t do it in the nearby parks though. Maybe go to an actual police station and ask there.

  3. The beach or private land with permission. Basically every public park in Tokyo bans ‘rocket type’ fireworks at a minimum.

  4. If they allow you to play it, always prepare a bucket full with water and dip the firecrackers into it as soon as you fired it.

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