Those of you who make 10M+ yen a year, what is your budget breakdown?

I’ll post mine. Gross Salary :- 20M yen a year (I transferred to the Tokyo office of my American tech company. Net Monthly Salary = 1,000,000 yen a month approximately.

Rent and utilities:- 200,000

Food (Mostly eating out in nice places. I don’t drink) = 150,000

Transport :- 40,000 (Tokyo metro, occasional Shinkansen)

Personal Items :- 50,000

International travel :- 50,000 per month over 12 months (Each year I aim for 1 trip back home to the US, 1 weekend trip to Asia, and a trip to Europe or Australia)

Savings per month :- 500,000

  1. Is the point to brag about how rich you are? “I always eat out at the best places that only serve diamond crusted caviar” Some big Kevin energy.

  2. What are you keen to know? Can give % breakdown. Absolute figures are imho nothing more than people bragging in here. No class.

  3. Friendly reminder for people who don’t know how to reddit,

    Any name that is in the format of adjective-noun#### is, nearly without exception, a throwaway account. These exist for mainly 2 reasons, one is because they want to ask something or post some sensitive information without doxing themselves. The second is because they either got banned or want to do something that’s likely to get them banned.

    You can decide which is going on for yourself.

  4. No one cares about your salary.

    Post %s or highlight actual issues or concerns you have related to budgeting.

    Otherwise, your low-quality post isn’t bringing anything useful to people here.

  5. Have you considered getting a better job so you could earn a livable wage? I don’t know how I’d ever survive on that.

  6. You do not earn 10m a year.

    Someone who legit earns a steady 10m a year doesn’t make a post on Reddit about it.

  7. 600,000 yen for three trips to US, Asia, and Europe/Australia. I’m impressed. Can you help share more in detail? Thanks.

  8. I am not on a fixed salary, but rather a base salary + commission; I like to explore my full money generating potential via open ended commission, and to be held accountable for the money flow in, and therefore my own income.

    Regardless, here are my numbers for the past 12 months (the past 36 months have been similar, with a leaning toward continued growth, QOQ).

    I work in finance.


    Yearly income; 230,000,000yen.
    Net monthly income; 14,000,000yen (some months more, some less).

    Rental income from investment properties; 25,000,000yen per year.

    Capital gains, on the sale of various investments, yearly; 20,000,000yen per year, on average.


    Rent; none, I own several houses outright.

    House running costs; 1,000,000yen per month
    Mortgage on investment properties; 10,000,000yen per year approx.

    Food; approx. 2,300,000yen per year. I have a wife and two cats.

    Transport; 3 cars; VW Tiguan TDI, BMW M3 G80 Competition xDrive, Toyota HiLux; 28,000,000yen initial cost, approx. 3,000,000yen per year running costs.

    Personal Items; Negligible. The interest on my cash savings covers this. 3,000,000yen per year, approx. I am not into buying pointless stuff.

    Savings per month; varies a lot. Around 5-8,000,000yen

  9. OP deserves a million downvotes for his attempt at a stealth brag post.

    Feel bad for him, he’s not nearly as rich as he seems to think he is.

    **OP’s budget as % of net income:**

    Rent + utilities: 20%

    Food: 15%

    Transport: 5%

    Personal: 5%

    Travel: 5%

    Savings: 50%

    No way is he saving 50% given that he’s spending more per month than a family of five, and we eat very well. He’s blowing at least half of that ‘savings’ on girlie bars, guaranteed.

    **My numbers – we’re a family of five; young school-age kids:**

    Rent: 0%

    Utilities: 3%

    House-related: 2%

    Travel: 1%

    Food: 4%

    Transport: 1%

    Personal: 4%

    Travel: 5%

    Education: 5%

    Insurance: 1%

    Savings: 74%

  10. I’m in the same neighborhood as you, but I don’t really budget. I know my fixed costs, and then know roughly how much I should be able to save. I have a range I aim for, but I don’t obsess as long as savings trends upwards.

  11. You might find a more receptive audience by asking this on r/japanfinance

    Congratulations for saving 50% of your income per month … 🤷🏻‍♀️

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