Ikura is underrated

Does anyone else agree? This is a chawanmushi btw from Ginza Onodera that just closed in NYC

  1. I love ikura too!

    I hate that most ikura in America is just defrosted chum roe. When a good sushi chef does a beautiful job with the ajitsuke it’s truly eye opening. Outside of high end sushi bars that seems pretty rare though.

  2. I love ikura when done well. Great as is over a little rice but is so complementary to so many other foods in terms of flavor, texture, and appearance.

  3. I work at a sushi restaurant and there is this guy who orders Ikura in a large bowl 😂 Not to mention Ikura is the most expensive thing on the menu 😂😂 He pays like $50 for that bowl lol

  4. Agreed, so healthy, too! I’m surprised that it’s not more expensive relative to some of the more exquisite fish.

  5. When I was in Japan it was heaven to have a mountain of Ikura and Uni over rice for <$10. Here in US the same bowl would be $100

  6. It’s right up there with uni, for me. I just had cold soba with ikura for lunch. Definitely my happy place.

  7. Traditionally it’s marinated in dashi but I absolutely love it with just a salt cure. Friggin delicious either way though.

  8. When I was pregnant with very bad hyperemesis, my husband and I would go to our local sushiya and this was what I really wanted to eat. They usually served it in a cute little bowl and I would eat 5 or 6 of them. Eventually they started just serving it to me in a regular bowl

  9. I had the most amazing ikura in a bowl with some of the best fish and crab I’ve ever had at a little tiny sushi shop at the Kanazawa fish market and the ikura was the star of the bowl. Never have I had ikura like that, they exploded in your mouth with so much flavor and they were SO sweet. SO incredibly sweet it was amazing. Man…that bowl was by far the best sushi meal I’ve ever had it was insane, like 3 types of crab, 3 types of tuna, a few types of shrimp, abalone, ikura, eel, and more. Oh and it was huge and $40 no tip no tax…insane. It was an hour wait to get in but it was worth it.

  10. I read this as IKEA is overrated. I’m crying laughing because I was like I thought they just served meatballs and stuff.

  11. Yes it is and thank goodness that it is underrated if not it would be as expensive as uni 😆😂

  12. Most certainly!!! It is so expensive in the U.S. Coming from Eastern Europe, it’s so shocking to me how much folks want us to pay here.

  13. That picture made me start salivating. They’re like salty, savoury pomegranate seeds, I love them

    Edit: actually more like boba. A+

  14. Underrated?

    By who? Bros in Iowa or Kentucky?

    Its often a star in most sushi places in Asia and metro US

  15. Definitely underrated by those who have never tried it. Sooo good. Discovered this when I was traveling in Japan and luckily there was some in every sushi or fish restaurant so I was able to eat some many, many times.

  16. It can be pretty generic at the average sushi place, just super salty, no flavor. But when you go to a high-end place and they do their own marinade, it is amazing

  17. It’s hard for me to get good ikura where I live, which is a shame. I love it! I’ve been making a lot of chawanmushi lately and want to get hold of some to put on top.

  18. I absolutely adore ikura. Unfortunately the taste varies drastically with quality. From sea water to buttery heaven, you don’t know which it’ll be until you bite in.

  19. I’m visiting Japan right now and I’m soooooo excited for these ikura + uni donburi bowls that are all over the place here, it’s so luxurious

  20. I honestly can’t eat it. And this is coming from someone who has had raw horse sashimi. It freaks me out. I call it the pop rocks of the sea. I guess it’s a texture/sensory thing for me. But it’s the one “sushi” item I avoid like the plague.

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