Is there a way to get my driver license?

I arrived to Fukuoka on April, but stupid me forgot to renovate home country’s license before coming so it’s not valid anymore. The only way I can get it renewed is going back to my country and doing the procedure there but then there is this rule about demostrating that you have spent at least 3 months in the country where you got your license before coming to Japan. I have my past licenses and I think I can submit bank statements but I guess the driving test center guys will know that I’ve been living here since April so I’m unsure if they will accept it.

A driving school is a totally no as even going back home and get the thing would be cheaper than paying for the school and I already have several years of driving experience.

  1. They should accept it if you have proof from a previous license. They just want to see you lived in your home country for three months since receiving your first license.

  2. Will they even accept bank statements? I would think they would argue you can generate transactions living anywhere. They seem to be really picky on this point but YMMV depedning on who you get. I used utility bills myself as I had them already. School transcripts are also easily accepted afaik.

  3. Do any copies of your past licenses have an expiration date on the card? If so you might be SOL.

    If not, you’re golden.

    Show them the stamps on your passport as proof that you were in country from X to Y.

  4. If you’re okay with a 50cc (max) scooter, you just need to take a written test and it doesn’t require a current valid license.

    If you’re set on having a car or larger than 50 cc scooter/bike and you’re from the States (or another country without the exchange agreement), you’d need an international license and a translation of your current valid license. The only thing older licenses help with is to prove you’ve driven more than, I think it was, 3-5 years back home. You might be stuck with taking classes.

    *Things may have changed in the decade+ since I’ve taken the test.

  5. Question from someone wanting to change it to japanese lisence too. How much does it cost and do you have to take any exams?

  6. I renewed my uk license 🪪 in 2019 while living in japan and got my Japanese license using that plus proof of living in the UK for 3 months from date of FIRST license issue (2002).

  7. You can just go to the driver’s license center and take the tests from scratch. There’s no need to go to school. It will likely take a while because of scheduling conflicts, and you’ll need to find someone with a valid driving license to accompany you for the required practice driving. You’ll also have to take and pay for a 1/2 day final course at a commercial driving school (after passing your written, practice driving licence driving, and final street driving tests), but it’s not too expensive. I did it about 10 years ago and was in the situation you are in: knowing how to drive but not having a valid driving licence anywhere in the world.

  8. I believe the rule is you had to have been driving at least 3 months before coming to Japan. I got to Japan last December, and my license expired that week. I just renovated it online and had my family mail it to me. When I went to do my license in May, they asked for both my new license and old license that expired. Also proof that I had been there for 3 months. I just used a copy of my Uni diploma. You should be fine

  9. Renew your license, show them something that shows you lived there for 3 months at any point in time between when you first got your license and now. They aren’t that big of sticklers on it.

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