Choosing careers

Hi there. A lurker over here. I’ve seen a few questions like mine here but not quite the same so i came to ask myself. Im from a country with bad political situation and currently CDM-ing, i never graduated university.Currently have around N2 level Japanese. I tried for a language school program but my COE got rejected (4E,4K)so im rethinking my choices. My former plan was to attend a university over there after finishing language school. But as it take longer while gaining no work experience, i don’t think it will be a good choice anymore as i’m not gonna get younger. I’m thinking of going to a university in Singapore or thai. Or graduating
university from us or uk within my budget, the problem is which field should i go in to earn well in japan? I have a family back home that i would like to support while living in japan, which has been a childhood dream of mine. I have tried out beginner coding classes and stuff too but i heard IT related fields don’t really earn that well over in japan?(I’m sorry if i’m wrong)

Ps, i decided not to attend a university from japan since i need to have EJU results or attend language school first. i know there’s alot of naivety and silliness involved in my text but i had to let go of alot of ‘wants’ this past year and i just cannot let my dream of being able to support my family and living a life in japan even if it is only for a few years. As u can see from my text, i am not from an english speaking country and i am 20(F) if it helps. Willing to listen to any helpful advices.. 🙏

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    **Choosing careers**

    Hi there. A lurker over here. I’ve seen a few questions like mine here but not quite the same so i came to ask myself. Im from a country with bad political situation and currently CDM-ing, i never graduated university.Currently have around N2 level Japanese. I tried for a language school program but my COE got rejected (4E,4K)so im rethinking my choices. My former plan was to attend a university over there after finishing language school. But as it take longer while gaining no work experience, i don’t think it will be a good choice anymore as i’m not gonna get younger. I’m thinking of going to a university in Singapore or thai. Or graduating
    university from us or uk within my budget, the problem is which field should i go in to earn well in japan? I have a family back home that i would like to support while living in japan, which has been a childhood dream of mine. I have tried out beginner coding classes and stuff too but i heard IT related fields don’t really earn that well over in japan?(I’m sorry if i’m wrong)

    Ps, i decided not to attend a university from japan since i need to have EJU results or attend language school first. i know there’s alot of naivety and silliness involved in my text but i had to let go of alot of ‘wants’ this past year and i just cannot let my dream of being able to support my family and living a life in japan even if it is only for a few years. As u can see from my text, i am not from an english speaking country and i am 20(F) if it helps. Willing to listen to any helpful advices.. 🙏

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  2. > IT related fields don’t really earn that well over in japan

    I think you might be misinterpreting the usual claim. It is true that Japan IT fields don’t pay great **compared to IT jobs in the USA**. Japan IT pays well when compared to most other jobs in Japan.

  3. Sorry to hear about your rejection. Does your local Japanese embassy or consulate have any advice for you? Maybe you could strengthen your next application with what they tell you.

    > I have a family back home that i would like to support while living in japan

    What is the exchange rate between JPY and your home currency? How bad/good has it historically been? I ask these mainly because the JPY is very weak right now against some other currencies, notably USD.

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