Meaning of spine labels for Japanese books (especially 単行本)

Just bought some light novels, and I noticed something about the spine labels.

At the top, there’s the author’s initial,
then two to three numbers.

[Here’s a picture, it’s not my shelf, but it shows what I want](
On the top of the 青春ブタ野郎 series, it says
> か 14-22, か 14-23, か 14-24, か 14-25, か 14-26, か 14-27

Mind if anyone gives me an explanation,
or directs me to somewhere which explains what it means?

I’ve googled it, but I can’t find anything about this in English,
and I don’t know how to use Japanese search engines yet.


  1. 1. Hiragana (or katakana) is the author.
    2. Number of author whose name starts with the hiragana.
    3. Published book number.

    Example: I have Kino no Tabi vol 2 (by Shigusawa Keiichi, from Kadokawa Dengeki Bunko), the number is し – 8 – 2.

    For Kadokawa Dengeki Bunko, he’s the **8**th author whose name starts with **し**, and it’s his **2**nd book published.

  2. The format is 《hiragana – number – number》where the hiragana is the first character of the author’s surname, the first number represents the author (generally in order of first publication or otherwise decided by the publisher, not alphabetical), second number represents the book (in publication order).

    Using one of your examples (か-14-22):

    か: From the author’s surname (鴨志田一 Kamoshida Hajime).

    14: Kamoshida is the 14th author whose surname begins with か

    22: This is his 22nd book.

    If you want to know more, Book Off has a nice explanation.(

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