Where are some good places where I can find a language partner?

As the title says.

I’ve tried asking on the discord server a few times but to no avail.
I was wondering if anyone would know of a place where I can find a language partner?

Thanks in advance!

  1. A lot of people use Hello Talk, which is hit or miss (especially when tons of users go against the rules and try to use it for dating instead of language learning).

    I have also made personal ads onジモティー with a similar hit/miss ratio. 2 of the 5 people I met there were weirdos, 2 were nice but I’m not sure we have enough in common to keep chatting, and 1 I actually became friends with

  2. ちょど良い。私と友達も練習の友達は探しています。どのレベルですか?私たちは今、N5/N4 です。
    >!My friend and I are also looking for practice friends. What level are you at? We are now N5/N4.!<

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