The Anjo Rainy Days house show main event is a NEVER 6 Title defense

Part of the gimmick of this year’s Okada homecoming show was that the card wouldn’t be announced until it started. It’s currently going on and the card is up on the [Japanese site](

  1. Love the 1 game NEVER indiscriminate class championship.

    I would have like Yuya and Okada first confrontation to end with Yuya being the 1st out of all the newcomers to beat Okada but well, still going to be one hell of a match

  2. Why do they do this? Why wouldn’t you record this? They didn’t film Goto’s anniversary show either.

  3. Kinda bummed that the first time Okada got his hands on Yuya, post-excursion was on a non-broadcast event. The send-off drop kick really made it feel like the next meeting should be a big thing.

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