Japan panel proposes child care plan covering 100% of income

Japan panel proposes child care plan covering 100% of income


  1. >_The 100% allowance, however, would only be offered for up to 28 days, with the amount for any further leave being around 80% of income._

    I guess it sounds nice, and will totally trick the people who think you only need to spend money on children for the first 28 days of their existence… lol

    Government is gonna have to try harder than that. Women are far more educated now and the whole _’all women want to naturally have children’_ assumption of the past is not as strong as the desire to not severly impact their standard of living for the rest of their lives. Women know their worth now, so if the government wants more kids, then they better be prepared to cough up the money and real support for them.

  2. Some politicians need to read a little bit about human emotions and psychology. I do not understand how they can be so blind to think that just giving away some money to the parents will convince them to have children.


    1. The biggest issue is the lack of trust in the future. You do not commit yourself to a 20 year deal (like having a kid) without first considering if the next 20 years you will be able to pay the bills, save for your pension, etc.
    2. The prospects for the future keep going down the shitter as population drops, public debt increases, the yen goes down, etc. Seeing how politicians have no plan for this country does not help.
    3. This happen to all people in developed countries, but we need to add how Japanese people are extra neurotic when thinking about the future. At this rate we will end up with the birth rates of South Korea :/.

  3. Still not enough, this is not what people base their decisions of having kids or not.

    Can I feed the kid until he’s an adult,
    Can I afford him a good education.
    What support do I have if shit hits the fan.

    Needs more incentives like, tax breaks, government paying 50% of your student loan if you have 1 kids and waiving it completely after 2.

  4. As long as having children is a major financial burden to the average person, people will always need to choose between having kids and being able to afford a decent life. A decent life isn’t just basic survival. A decent life is having your own place, can afford three healthy meals a day, have some disposable income to spend on hobbies, can afford vacation once a year, can save enough to retire around age 70. If most people cannot afford a decent life and kids at the same time, then don’t expect growing birth rates. You can’t expect people to give up the bottom line of an decently enjoyable life. It’s what makes life worth living.

  5. Just come on down to Oita. So many little bastards down here. It’s like each family has at least two. It’s why I refuse to believe in the population issue. Haha. 😉

    Something in the water here I guess.

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