Japan’s finance minister says government will take necessary forex steps as yen tumbles

Japan’s finance minister says government will take necessary forex steps as yen tumbles


  1. TLDR:
    – Japanese old dinosaur in power said some big words on how they are ready to do all that is necessary consider the (insert issue that Japan is facing).

    – This will most likely translate into a few meetings of multiple dinosaurs which will end up with no specific conclusion or tactic to be taken into effect.

    – The problem will keep exacerbating until it is out of control and the government will take some panic-mode emergency measure while being too late to make any difference.

    I think I am having a déjà vu…

  2. Importing energy requires buying dollars with yen. Turn the reactors back on and import less, buy fewer dollars, yen gets healthier…

  3. For anyone outside of Japan, I’ll explain what this means.

    This means an extra 300 meetings on top of the original 100. This means more men over 70 with either dyed black hair or NO hair sitting around a large table with a big ‘NO GURLZ ALLOWED’ sign on the door.

  4. They’re gonna have meetings to plan other meetings in which they collectively decide to do nothing but maybe plan more meetings.

  5. So what does this mean to us normal people living in Japan earning Japanese yen? Isn’t it good that Japan is taking steps to prevent the dollar from tumbling further?

  6. Right after printing 13 trillion yen for “inflation subsidies”? Japanese government is full of shit

    Edit: closest thing we saw is the 0.6 yen dump from 151.900 which was immediately bought back up 🤡🤡🤡

  7. Well if your currency is weakening due to reckless government spending and the BOJ basically printing money to support it and your answer is to borrow and spend even more to counter the weakening currency, then the result is fairly predictable. Either the BOJ is among the most non-knowledgable financial experts in the world or this is their intent.

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