Any tips for finding a part-time job in Tokyo?

I’m a 19-year-old international student, I have been searching for a part-time job on Facebook but most of it seems like a scam because it keeps asking me for Apple cards. Do you have any tips for finding a part-time job?

  1. Townwork or perhaps you can just take a look around, walk in those stores with recruitment posters put up and ask them nicely?

  2. 1. Walk around your neighborhood and look for recruitment posters.
    2. Note down their phone number and call them one by one.
    3. Go interview at the ones that accept you.
    4. ???
    5. Profit.

  3. Good on you for recognizing the scams , man. You’re already ahead of the game. There’s some solid advice here, good luck on your search!

  4. I use townwork app on the phone. When I was still a student I just applied at McDonald’s by just typing “McDonald’s hiring” I guess you can do that to other establishments that you want to work at.

  5. Baitoru/craiglist, ask your classmates and teachers. Also if you like some specific store/restaurant/etc just go to their home page and find recruiting info

  6. I found my first job on Guidable, really nice staff and lot of baito available even if your japanese is not perfect

  7. Have you tried “baito-town””yolojobs” “hatarakitai” or more so go in person to a local establishment and ask if they are hiring?

    Hello work also has a great database. Your school should help you as well, even though most often don’t

  8. Just word of warning ignore any unsolicited messages you may be getting via whatsapp/LINE etc. from ‘recruitment companies’ especially those with overseas numbers they’re doing the TASK scam which you can read about on /r/scams

  9. Craigslist has a lot you just need to weed around the sketchy ones. Gaijinpot is also very reliable and more vetted as they have to pay to post

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