Amazon sent me a second Galaxy watch 6 for free by mistake?

I bought an amazing watch 6 classes in September from Amazon.

I ended up returning it via lawson for a new one because I thought it had a battery issue.
After returning it. I found out it was not a battery issue but it was to late.(ended up being a feature where the battery gets better the longer you use it)

Amazon Japan sent me my replacement in late September.
Today I was working at home and suddenly got a package from Amazon and it was another Galaxy watch 6. It said it could not be returned on a paper they gave me… but it’s completely new packaging and there is no extra charge on my card.

It also says the status on Amazon is that I returned the product.
I have no emails from Amazon about the situation.

Should I sell it?
Or wait to make sure I get no emails or letters about it?

  1. I would wait 1-2 months . Similar thing happened when I got a t7 ssd. They sent one more like one month later , I kept it inside the box and indeed I was charge later on. (I didn’t contact Amazon from the beginning… only after I was charged hehe)

  2. Not sure about Japan, but in most countries it’s called unjust enrichment and you can be sued for that. A similar thing applies if you find 10万円 on a street.

  3. Wait a month or two to see if anything happens. They might just be late in their paperwork.

  4. i got a free fitbit like that, not on amazon but i ordered directly from fitbit, and when called their customer support they told me to keep it as returning is too much work for them

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