Where to buy Doritos?

I’m from America and I’m really missing my favorite snack, nacho cheese Doritos. I was wondering if there were any stores in Tokyo that sell them? I’ve been having trouble finding any Doritos at all. Thank you!!

  1. They don’t taste the same but you can find japanified versions in a lot of combinis and donki.

  2. My local Family mart sells the xxtra hot nacho cheese Doritos, but I’ve seen most of the supermarkets in my area carry the regular nacho cheese ones as well but they don’t taste the same as the American ones

  3. I live in Kyushu, not Tokyo, but the big supermarkets in this area sell Doritos, as do the big drug store chains. I never have any trouble finding them when I want them.

  4. You should know that although Doritos in Japan have the same color bag as the American ones, the flavor is not Nacho Cheese but tacos. That’s why people say it tastes different (because it is).

    You can sometimes find the nacho cheese flavor at import stores (I seem to recall Jupiter having them once), ~~but in general it’s not a flavor offered in Japan~~ it is available! I legit had not seen them before

  5. I’ve seen the nacho cheese at LIFE and cool ranch (the only one that really matters) at Seijo ishi.

  6. I’m pretty sure some of the ingredients used for the American flavors are illegal here, hence the “international” versions sold here also being different (and manufactured in Japan). Cool Ranch in particular.

    This is just an assumption. I haven’t gone through the ingredients list to check, but it’s very likely. I know they’re illegal in some other countries.

  7. Yellow is red. Red is taco. No blue. Sometimes green. I find the ones from Singapore are the tastiest.

  8. Don’t buy any in convenience stores because those are Japanese versions, same goes for Cheetos. For the American versions you can easily find them at Bic camera (where they sell alcohol), Seijo Iishi, Jupiter, Meidiya, Kinokuniya, Olympic supermarket etc. basically any supermarket that sells some imported food

  9. Donki, or your local import foods store. Make sure you find the ones that are a bigger rectangular bag which says “export” on them. Those are the good ones. Amazon also has some but some are like 2-3x the price of the ones you can find in shops here

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