Do tattoo shops take in foreigner tattoo artists? Expectations, work experience.

Hi everyone! Maybe someone knows the local tattoo scene?

Do japanese tattoo shops take in foreigner tattoo artists to work there? Would they even take in foreigner apprentices?

If yes, what’s generally expected? I mean obviously good japanese, and tattoo experience, but is there anything else they want?

Our scenario very likely will be: Partner work visa, me dependant with hopefully permission to work 28 hours a week. That’s where I could tattoo.

I’ve read that to have a legit work visa, I need a diploma or 10 years experience. Would working 28 hours a week for 10 years count as enough work experience for a work visa?

I know it’s all far in the future, but it would help me prepare properly for when the time comes. I don’t want to be a burden for the people around me. Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Do tattoo shops take in foreigner tattoo artists? Expectations, work experience.**

    Hi everyone! Maybe someone knows the local tattoo scene?

    Do japanese tattoo shops take in foreigner tattoo artists to work there? Would they even take in foreigner apprentices?

    If yes, what’s generally expected? I mean obviously good japanese, and tattoo experience, but is there anything else they want?

    Our scenario very likely will be: Partner work visa, me dependant with hopefully permission to work 28 hours a week. That’s where I could tattoo.

    I’ve read that to have a legit work visa, I need a diploma or 10 years experience. Would working 28 hours a week for 10 years count as enough work experience for a work visa?

    I know it’s all far in the future, but it would help me prepare properly for when the time comes. I don’t want to be a burden for the people around me. Thank you!

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  2. Yes if you are friends with the owner.

    Friends not acquaintance. For some strange reason people here have an issue figuring out the difference.

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