Japanese Engineering universities with English speaking programs?

Hello , Not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask this. But I had a few questions. I’ve taken 3 years of Japanese at an American high school. I estimate that at the end of this current year, I’ll be speaking Japanese at roughly an N-4 level. Well, I hadn’t looked at this before, My japanese teacher is currently recommending that I Look into attending a Japanese University. I hadn’t considered this before as I never figured my grades would be good enough to do so. I have a 3.7 weighted GPA and a 28 Act, 1180 SAT. I’m fairly sure that I want to major in Mechanical engineering and my dream would be to work for the racing divisions of one of the major japanese automakers such as Toyota or Mazda.

I’ve been looking into a few universities such as Ritsumeikan and Doshida. In fact I’m currently sitting in a College fair run by lighthouse with several universities.

The only issue is I’ve been unable to find a conclusive answer online to several things.

I’ve heard that these universities will take any foreign students with money and a pulse, as well as that they are very selective. Not sure which is true.

Another thing I’ve heard is these universities aren’t great and you’d have a hard time getting a job.

I was wondering what y’alls opinion on this would be as well as any other recommendations for schools

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Japanese Engineering universities with English speaking programs?**

    Hello , Not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask this. But I had a few questions. I’ve taken 3 years of Japanese at an American high school. I estimate that at the end of this current year, I’ll be speaking Japanese at roughly an N-4 level. Well, I hadn’t looked at this before, My japanese teacher is currently recommending that I Look into attending a Japanese University. I hadn’t considered this before as I never figured my grades would be good enough to do so. I have a 3.7 weighted GPA and a 28 Act, 1180 SAT. I’m fairly sure that I want to major in Mechanical engineering and my dream would be to work for the racing divisions of one of the major japanese automakers such as Toyota or Mazda.

    I’ve been looking into a few universities such as Ritsumeikan and Doshida. In fact I’m currently sitting in a College fair run by lighthouse with several universities.

    The only issue is I’ve been unable to find a conclusive answer online to several things.

    I’ve heard that these universities will take any foreign students with money and a pulse, as well as that they are very selective. Not sure which is true.

    Another thing I’ve heard is these universities aren’t great and you’d have a hard time getting a job.

    I was wondering what y’alls opinion on this would be as well as any other recommendations for schools

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  2. grand majority of if not all undergrad engineering programs, especially in English, here in Japan lack the rigor needed to be a successful engineer, yet alone a successful engineer at a competitive big name like Toyota where there’s no shortage of people dreaming to work there. and even if it ends up being “not bad” the fact of the matter remains: you’ll walk out of school heavily handicapped.

    get a quality ME education at a (preferably top) school at home, study Japanese hard on the side and go on frequent trips or study abroad, then attend a place like Boston Career Forum and impress. also consider playing the long game by racking up valuable work experience after graduating before making the move to secure far higher pay from far better job prospects with leverage.

    for example, I have a guy who graduated from a university here in electrical engineering, with whom I meet up with from time to time to mentor as he’s new in our workplace fresh from his last job and is heavily struggling. while I admire his enthusiasm and desire to learn, he’s for lack of better words dumb as a brick with serious gaps in knowledge and thinking process as a result of his less-than-rigorous education. hopefully these will be easy to remedy but time will tell.

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