What is my absolute upside? (13+ years teaching, MA in Ed, Director Experience, US Teaching License)

I worked in Tokyo from 2020-2023 and had an awful time. I wound up as the deputy director making 400K a month but I had to eat a ton of shit and found 400K pretty low of a salary (deductions, taxes, cost of living, currency devaluation).

I’m not in China making double that but I just miss Japan. I’ll be a department head with director roles at a British school in China after December where I’ll stay for 2 years.

I want to move back to Japan in 2026 with an MA of Ed, Health and Wellness, 4+ years certifiable director/dept. head experience, all the other bells and whistles.

Is shooting for 800K+ a month ANYWHERE in the country just not gonna happen?

  1. 800k what? Yen? Tenured university job would get you that easily enough, but you’re not qualified enough, you’d need a PhD and publications.

  2. If you can get an admin position at an international school you can hit those numbers, but those positions are hard to come by.

    Outside of tech and sales, it’s hard to hit the kind of numbers you’re looking for – especially as a foreigner.

    I do wish you luck though and hope for the best.

  3. 800K a month might be possible at one of the top international schools in Japan. But you going to need a proven track record in good schools abroad.

  4. From my personal experience, the only friends I know making that much work for either ASIJ or DODEA. An ex-colleague of mine working for DODEA currently earns 12m pre-tax, all in.

  5. Your MA might help if you want to teach in university, not sure how related it is to language education though. A valid teaching license from the US can get you work at accredited international schools as well.

    Is your MA finished and from a credible university, or are you working on it now? Also, if you are flexible about where to live in Japan it will expand your chances greatly.

  6. I’m in an ok teaching situation where If I add my bonus to my salary and divide by 12 months, I get to about 700k a month. That is with more than a decade of service at a private school. I’m also grade chief and have full time teacher responsibilities.

    Without having a specialized field to teach at university, or taking a management job, I don’t see you making 800k off the bat.

  7. 800,000 yen? LOL what? You will never earn that much in this industry in Japan!

    If you want to get 800,000 a month, you will need to either

    1. Switch industries
    2. Switch countries

    Your absolute ceiling is probably 500,000 a month for some director poisition and it would be extremely competitive. You were already above average with your 400,000. Nobody comes to Japan for money

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