Japanese citizenship

I’m currently in the process of 帰化.

I submitted the application around 4 months ago and I’m waiting for them to call me for the interview.

Currently I work for sales in a small company, and I’ve had the same position for around 4 years. However, due to personal reasons I would like to ask for a transfer to a different department (within the same company).

I’m under the impression that the least changes your life has during the 帰化 application process, the smoother and faster your application will go, since it will avoid the need to submit new documents and further investigation.

I wonder if being transferred to a new department would make my application process take longer. For example, what could’ve taken 1 year to complete (the application result) would now take 2 years since it’s customary for case workers to allocate additional time should there be any changes.

I want to change my current position because the other position I want has better prospects to further advance my career, I might potentially get a salary boost in the future and aspire to become a manager. Right now, in the position I am, I have hit a ceiling where there is no room for me to grow anymore, plus sales job is very stressful for me and it’s taking a mental toll on me (mainly because management changed and I don’t get along with them very well), plus other reasons.

During these last 4 months the only reason that has been stopping me from a transfer is the 帰化 application, since I want it to go as smooth as possible. I could still put up with one year or even two if a transfer would affect somehow the time my application will take, as becoming a Japanese citizen has always been a dream of mine and it’s a top priority for me.

However, if switching departments isn’t really a matter of concern, then I would like to go for it.

Is there anyone who experienced a similar situation? i.e. applied for 帰化 and changed positions in the meantime before the interview. If so, could you tell me if you think it affected how long it took you to be interviewed? Or whether you think it affected your waiting time at all?

TLDR: Do you know if changing departments within your company affects your 帰化 application in anyway (it might result in a longer waiting time)?

Sorry for the long post and thank you beforehand to everyone who shared their opinion.

  1. I know two people who have been through the naturalization process. I asked both of them about it, and basically they said if you move, change companies, etc., then it would be a pain. If you got married, divorced, etc., then it would be more of a pain.

    In neither case did anyone call their boss and talk to them directly, so I would guess that if you just stay at your company and don’t change employer then they wouldn’t even notice that you change jobs within the same company.

    Of course if you are really concerned you could ask your case worker.

  2. If your contract type and period doesn’t change, there will be no problem. If you change between departments inside the same company, there usually are no changes, so you should be good.
    On the other hand, if you go from seishain to contractor it will have repercussions.

  3. Did your contract or location of your job change? If not then I wouldn’t worry about it. Otherwise call your case worker and ask if it needs to be reported on your application.

  4. Don’t worry, go ahead and make the change, no one will notice or care unless you raise it as an issue yourself.

  5. If your employer and place of work doesnt change, go ahead and move department. Then call your case worker and say just that: I moved to a new department but there is no change on employer or place of work.

    They more likely wont ask any new document, and normally internal transfers never mean reduced salary (either it stays the same or is increased), so it wont affect you negatively.

    But report it because you havent had your interview yet, and you will need to explain the transfer and your current tasks to your case worker later.


    My employer was M&A’d after my interview, my “title” and employer name changed, but the job description was the same. I notified by phone and wasnt asked any extra document.

  6. I know a case of a person who changed jobs and moved between prefectures during the application. He got naturalized without a long delay. Job jump was between seishain positions and he got pay increase though

  7. Why get the citizenship? It complicates things and a PR is much better in that respect. If you just want the passport brag rights or if you really really want to vote sure go ahead. But if from an EU country for example it would be rather backwards to renounce that citizenship. If from places like HK or Taiwan. I can understand since things there really are becoming more complicated, especially in HK. So much for the 50 year agreement. But if you are from those places, I think probably the UK might be a better bet. But in end each to their own, but do hope you understand the ramifications of the choice. Same company different department would be the least of my concerns to be honest. Even the PR compared to the visa I had before was less paperwork and no interviews. I submitted extension of current status and PR application both at same time. 8 weeks later got envelope to pay 8000 yen it was at the time. Point is really willing to take local citizenship. Really consider options and why. That is something only you can answer. But generally speaking I do not think that is the best option for majority of people.

  8. There wouldn’t be any issue since it’s in the same company. Changing teams/departments/positions within a company is normal and expected.

    Even if you change employers you just submit the same proof documents of the employer and notify them about the change. Even then they are only concerned if you have a substantial salary drop or other major change that would change your application

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