Cold medicine OTC recommendations?


currently have a bad case of cold and was wondering what type of over-the-counter medicine I could buy.

I have tried some tablets from the brand Hapicom Kobayashi Yakuhin Luquinon but after two days I’m not feeling any better. I am currently looking at the Pabron series products.

Do you have any recommendations?

  1. You can usually get the same or stronger medicine at a cheaper price by going to a MD and getting a prescription drug.

  2. If you are interested in a home remedy, here’s my grandmother’s onion syrup recipe for colds:

    Finely chop half of one onion and finely dice four cloves of garlic and place into a clean mason jar (the jar should be about half full). Add some grated garlic ** ETA: oops! Should be ginger** (about a spoonful). Add one teaspoon of turmeric and some black pepper, and then add enough honey to fill the jar just above your ingredients. Put the lid on and let it infuse overnight in the refrigerator or another cool, dark place. If after a few days it starts bubbling, don’t worry, that’s just fermentation. As long as it doesn’t smell off you’re good.

    Once it’s infused overnight you can add a spoonful to some tea or eat a spoonful straight. If you want to have some sooner, wait for it to infuse for at least an hour.

  3. If you’re not getting better go to a doctor if you have health insurance to make sure it’s just a cold and not something else. They’ll give you a prescription for medication to treat the symptoms.

  4. I take ストナ去たんカプセル (Carbocisteine and bromhexine) and リングルアイビーα200 (ibuprofen)

    You can find these active ingredients combined in other OTC medication, but they usually also contain first gen antihistamines, which I avoid as it’s been linked to dementia in people older than 60.

    So if I have a cough but no fever, I’ll take the ストナ, if I’m in pain or have a fever, I’ll take the リングル, if I have both, then I’ll take both.

  5. sounds like you want to be knocked out.

    In that case ” ブロン液エース” seems to be the domestic go to..

  6. I usually take “葛根湯” powder or similar from the drug store. I need twice the recommended dose for it to work (dose at your own risk, this is just my experience). It does not really help me get better, but it makes me not feel so bad for a while, so I can function almost normally.

    And there is always the “hot whisky with honey, then sweat in bed” option, but going to a doctor is likely more effective.

  7. Paburon Ace Pro-X worked well for me. Or the 一日二回 one if you only want to take two doses a day, not three.

  8. There are no OTC meds that will cure your cold, only ones that will ease the symptoms.

    If you have aches, pains, or fever, take [アセトアミノフェン]( (aka acetaminophen or paracetamol) to help. Some drug stores carry it, or via Amazon as linked.

    If you have a plugged nose you want something with 塩酸プソイドエフェドリン (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, aka PSE or Sudafed) in it. I use [this one]( Don’t bother with anything that does not contain PSE as it doesn’t work. Try taking just one capsule as it might be enough. If 30mins go by and you don’t feel clear, take a second one. Do not take more than two capsules.

    Apart from that, drink lots of water and get lots of rest.

  9. Almost all of them shove caffeine in to make people crash cars less and get their ass back in the office. Havent figured out yet that getting a good night’s sleep is better than any drugs you can chug yet. Welcome to JP.

  10. Tbh I go for loxonin as soon as I feel like I have a cold/flu or potential Covid (never happened tho… I think). But usually when I’m sick I get mad muscle fatigue/pain so that’s why that’s my choice.

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