Japanese schools not helping at all?

Ive attended a college in japan for almost two years now. Passed my N3 and taking my N2 in a few months. But now im ready to transfer to another school. The school i currently go to lacks a lot, the teachers barely help us and choose when they want to. Ive asked them for a attendance record but they said they couldnt give me. I also asked if i could get a recipe of me paying or showing i had money to pay for the school monthly but them me im not allowed to have a copy. I even asked if i could get a letter of recommendation (due to next school if i have itll save a lot of money) but said they wont give yet other students are able to pay 300¥ to get one. Im just completely confused on how the college can treat us not so well. Most of the time they dont teach us anything so there is a lot of self studying. I normally have to pay ¥1230000 a year. Yet i barely make enough to make this amount. All im asking is it normally for japanese schools to just take our money and not teach or help?

  1. That is certainly not “Japanese schools.”

    Sounds like a shit school, which one is it? Name and shame.

  2. It’s definitely not normal. I had a very nice experience with the language school I got in a few years ago for half the price you paid, so I’m actually apalled that you get that kind of treatment. Did you try talking to another teacher or other people about what you wanted? Maybe the person you talked to didn’t understand what you asked for?

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