Advice on how to respond to special work assignment.

I’m working as an ALT, not sure if this post belongs here or in the other Reddit but I’m hoping people with other job experience could also give advice. I’ll give as much info as possible but due to privacy, if it’s not mentioned please assume I can’t speak about it.

I received a special assignment email yesterday from my home office. I’m being told to attend a seminar that is, according to google maps, 4 hours and 15 minutes away by public transportation one way. This makes my total commute more than my 8 hour workday. I am not allowed to drive nor am I allowed to take the shinkansen as stated in my contract. I’m confused as to why I was assigned this, given there are ALTs in my company in the area of the seminar. I live two prefectures away. It’s specifically stated to be a day assignment. No overnight or special allowances have been specified. According to my contract, my public transportation compensation is maxed at 3,000¥ a day.

My understanding is that labor laws in Japan are pretty grim when it comes to compensation to work travel. That’s why I have decided to ask for help. I’ve accepted I will more than likely have to attend this seminar. I just want to exhaust all possibilities of appropriate compensation for my time and travel. Of course if there was a way to deny this special assignment, that would be preferable. Based on my contract, I’m required to teach at 1 BoE, but my contract’s addendum stipulates I can be assigned to “extra” assignments.

Also, as a final kick in the teeth,this seminar is on Christmas. I’m completely aware Christmas is not an official holiday and it doesn’t hold the same significance as it does in the west, but I’m newly married and my wife and I were planning on enjoying it together. Any help whatsoever would be appreciated. Thank you.

EDIT: I see my way of writing this has given the impression I intend to throw a bunch of laws at my employer. That’s not my intention. I just want to have the knowledge and citations just in case my employer gives me a suspicious response.

  1. Are they reimbursing you for the travel and payibg you for working that day?

    Have you brought up these concerns with your company?

  2. “I don’t want to go to a seminar my employer is telling me to go to”

    Ok. Reject them. Also don’t count on being offered a new contract, or lasting the next few months.

  3. Ask your company. Today is Friday so it’s best to do so today. Maybe it’s an administrative error at their end or you’re just expected to know how to expense things. Better clear things up before starting to talk about laws and such.

    As for it being planned on Christmas, you would need to weigh your own values against your relationship with the company. Unless there’s demand from others for it to be moved the date it probably set

  4. Based on your post, this just seems unreasonable for, your company?, to have you do. Also, how about working hours? Seems like you need to have a talk with them to discuss everything. I can’t imagine anyone agreeing to do this willingly. I hope it works out in your favor.

  5. I think your best bet is to email your company and ask for clarification about this assignment.

    You want to ask:

    Will you be fully reimbursed for travel?

    Due to the commuting length, can you use any kind of express train?

    Will the cover an overnight stay?

    Make sure you mention how long your commute is.


    Travelling/commuting time is a grey area because while the company has insurance for your travel time/method, whether you are actually on the clock is a different story.

    Also those people who say use a paid day off, I bet the company would deny it anyway.

  6. You can always just tell them not without compensating a hotel for 2 nights (the night before to travel, the night after the thing), and that you expect to be compensated a full 8 hours for all 3 days.

    My contract stipulates that any travel over 1.5 hours requires hotel compensation for the evening. It is BoE policy rather. You may want to contact both your CO and the BoE to see if the CO is being compensated but pocketing the cash.

  7. First of all, an 8 hour commute does seem a bit extreme, but I’m going to assume it’s a one time thing since you said “special assignment”

    I’m not sure what you mean about the law relating to work travel being grim. This is mostly governed by company policy, although the law did have a limit on non-taxable travel expenses. The details if travel reimbursement are usually determined by your contact, and this is one area where most companies in Japan are pretty good because most companies will pay for any travel as long as you are taking the cheapest rite within reason, and typically for anything that would be two hours or more away, they will pay for shinkansen or a hotel.

    Since it seems your contact is much more stingy, I would simply talk to them and explain that dinner it’s a “special” assignment you need special compensation.

    I’ve worked for lots of companies which would happily book me for an 18 hour day, but none that would expect me to spend 5 his a day traveling domestically, and none who wouldn’t pay for my transportation – so I think it’s worth giving them a call.

    Also it’s not that Christmas isn’t an “official” holiday, it’s not any kind of holiday at all. It’s just a normal work day, and it would be somewhat strange of they took other country’s holidays into account.

    Disclaimer: I know nothing about ALT

  8. I had to make double sure you guys were actually talking about the 25th and not the 24th.

    You should always make sure you inform about your nenkyu in advance, especially in dispatch where many will want to take christmas off

  9. How well are you received in the company? Because this sounds like they’re considering you for an area leader slot, and thus want the training.

    Either way, you need to talk to your head office about getting special permission and compensation for either an overnight hotel or the shinkansen. Even if you take the first train, you won’t be there until at least 10:00, and will have to leave by 7:00, depending on last train in your area.

  10. What is the seminar about? Did they say why they are requiring you to attend? Is it a disciplinary or supplemental training issue?

  11. Unless the seminar starts some time after mid-morning, are you actually able to make it there on time? Most local trains don’t begin operation until after 5:00 a.m. which means you would most likely not make to the venue until after 10:00 a.m. at the earliest.

    First thing you need to do, regardless of the regular rules about your daily travel reimbursement limits, is to find out if the company will cover the total cost of your round-trip train fare. Given the distance, I would be surprised if they said they aren’t going to fully reimburse you. On the other hand, if they refuse, I would tell them that without full reimbursement, I am unable to attend.

  12. Is this a work assignment – ie are you going to be teaching?

    Or is this an educational seminar on how to better do your job – ie they value as an employee and want to make you more valuable to them?

    As for the travel expense – contact them, as this is a work assignment outside your normal area they will have a policy to compensate you for travel expenses you incur on the job.

  13. Check with your employer. The 3000 yen limit is almost certainly for your regular commute. Even when I worked Eikaiwa I could expense any and all business trips. This probably is a misunderstanding on your part, but if you don’t clear it up before the fact your employer will treat it as your responsibility. If it seems weird, always ask.

  14. Two prefectures away, can’t drive or use the Shinkansen, 8 hour commute by train, Christmas Day….absolutely unacceptable.

    That all seems illogical. Send one email and cc/bcc every level of management above you to query this nonsense. Someone in your organization should be reasonable enough and see the error in this and correct it, if not start looking for a new job because this is gross incompetence.

    It would be great if you get this resolved and maybe update this post if you don’t get a satisfactory response. Name and shame because too many companies get away with this type of shit and people are none the wiser. I really hope you get it resolved and don’t have to work on Christmas Day (FFS) and are able to spend time with your wife. Good luck mate.

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