Taking people’s coffee orders in Japanese properly?

Hi guys! I work at a coffee shop (starbucks, if that matters) and we have some Japanese exchange students. I’m shy so I want to make sure I have the etiquette correct before I try to ask people what they would like to drink. I have tried looking at guides online but most of them are for how to order coffee, not how to serve it. In some of these, I’ve read that at starbucks in japan, they say こんにちは unlike other shops to keep it friendly and informal. Does anyone know if that’s correct? 🙂 Are there any other tips like this I should know? Also — I’ve been using ごちゅうまわ in my head as “what can I get for you?” is this correct? I want to make sure my customers have the best experience possible.

  1. “Your order?” is ご注文は (ごちゅうもんは) (where は is the particle ‘wa’)

    “welcome” for shops is いらしゃいませ , I don’t know if starbucks does it differently, but if they do it would also need to be おはよう(ございます) in the morning and こんばんは (where は is the particle ‘wa’) in the evening.
    こんにちは is correct for the rest of the day.

    “thank you, come again” (“thank you for your continuing patronage”) is まいどありがとう or まいどありがとうございます

    “customer service language” is 接客用語 (せっきゃくようご)and searching this term will find you many sites that discuss the appropriate terms for customer facing situations.

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