A combo of 9 “superfoods”, this Go Go Healthy roll that I got in Vancouver is amongst the strangest special rolls I’ve tasted.

Brown rice, oats, honey, blueberry, avocado, salmon, spinach, broccoli and almond all smashed together and somehow it actually works?!

  1. Know what? Flavor/food wise, may not be my personal cup of tea, but this is the kind of weird/new ideas I like so I’m here for it and honestly I’d probably try it just to support the concept. !@#$ gate keeping.

  2. So this is like a sushi powerbar of sorts? If it tastes good, thats what matters but we already have stuff like huel, kind bars, etc. Kind of reminds me of the simpsons episode where homer gets shredded while eating ‘powersauce’ bars then proceeds to press 5 pounds of spaghetti into bar form to unlock its power! Does combining the ingredients above into sushi form unlock their awesome power?


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