which stores carry traditional quilt cover for a kakefuton / kakebuton?

Hi resourceful redditors! I was gifted a kakebuton or kakefuton quilt 2 years ago and I never opened it because I didn’t have the traditional quilt slip cover to protect it. Now that I have 3 days in Japan, does anyone know any shop or department store in Nagoya or Tokyo that stocks the slipcover with that “open” top that shows off the quilt pattern? I tried translating the department store sites but can’t get any results except fold up futons and “regular” duvet covers that don’t have the opening on the quilt top. Thank you kindly for your knowledge.

  1. Do you want a completely open top, or with a mesh opening? Mesh opening is available at Cainz online. Here’re the keywords:  掛ふとんカバー ネット付き 

    I’m only seeing Rakuten and Amazon results for the ones with just a hole in the middle. Keywords: 掛け布団カバー真ん中穴空き

    It’s not really a popular style anymore. You might have more luck checking second hand stores.

  2. Any actual traditional department store (such as Mitsukoshi) will sell them in their bedding department. You can also get them at a household goods shop like Nitori or stores like Daiei. And of course there are tons of bedding shops.


    The ones with the mesh opening are called 窓付き まどつき. So at the store (or online) you want to ask (or search) for 窓付き布団カバー

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