Zairyu card Renewal problem

It’s been two months since I applied for renewal but I haven’t heard from them yet. Besides, I was looking for the receipt last night but I apparently I lost it. Any suggestions?

  1. You are supposed to wait for the post card. I’ve waited two months before. It will probably depending on how busy they are.

  2. What’s the problem? You applied for renewal and you’re waiting for their response. I don’t see a problem.

  3. Theres a very small chance of this happening, but it did happen to me earlier this year, but there is a chance the post card could have gone missing in the post. This happened to me when i applied back in June, nothing had come by mid august, so i called them up to ask, they were like huh thats strange, oh well if you go buy the stamp thing (cant remember the name now lol) and bring your old zairyu card you can just pick it up without the postcard. So you could try calling up the immigration office to ask if your post card has actually been sent out yet and see what they have to say.

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