This sub doesn’t upvote

I’ve noticed that this sub doesn’t give karma even when the answers are great. I’ve read some real good answer to post and 0 upvote. It cost nothing guys. Nothing to say ‘thank you’.

  1. If anything, I think this is a good thing – people post on here / comment on here because they want to engage in the conversation & not because they expect some circle jerk of validation

    Say your piece because you want to, not because you are farming for some internet points

    I’m going to downvote my own comment

  2. welcome to japanlife 🙂 we’re proud internet gatekeepers who hate foreigners in Japan who are not as miserable as we

  3. I think I understand what you’re getting at OP. I’ve been downvoted for the most innocuous questions and while it’s silly to worry about fake internet points too much, it just feels unnecessarily rude in the moment. I agree with you that manners are important.

    Not a big fan of ppl using “I just tell it like it is” as an excuse for being an ass either. Getting off topic now so I ‘ll leave it at this .

  4. The only real value in participating in online communities is amusement value. Upvotes, likes, and other online perks are provided to manipulate you into spending more time online. Just consider it a form of entertainment and don’t expect too much.

  5. only this sub, i’ve noticed. wish people did to actually help people separate the shiny from the shitty

  6. I down vote posts in hopes to not see the topic in my feed ever again. Apparently it doesn’t work that way.

    I still see ‘How much does NOVA pay” and “What are interviews at X company like?” Posts in the teaching in Japan subreddit practically every fucking day.

  7. I was gonna post something like this as well. But looking at the current comments I’m glad I didn’t.. I always thought it was weird people on this sub would give reddit gold but not even give a mere upvote.

  8. The upvotes and downvotes don’t show up immediately on this sub, unlike others. It’s set that way by the mods 🙂

  9. A large percentage of this sub comes here primarily to blow off steam and downvote others for their own amusement, as stress relief or to pretend they know better.

  10. You’re not wrong.

    And as usual the peanut gallery has fixated on some superficial feature of your comment and ignored the point. The problem of course with not upvoting anything isn’t that someone can’t get karma, it’s that good/useful content can’t rise to the top and the tedious gits who downvote everything get to dominate all discourse here.

    If literally every post here gets immediately downvoted to 0 by frumpy grognards who can’t handle ever hearing a question that isn’t specifically targeted to their interests, there is no reason to ask questions here because they’ll never rise high enough in the feed to attract the people who will reply with something other than trolling, snark, or condescension. If there is no reason to ask questions here, then arguably there is no reason to have the subreddit in the first place.

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