“Now do you understand why your sushi tastes awful?”

“Now do you understand why your sushi tastes awful?”

“Now do you understand why your sushi tastes awful?”
byu/quottttt insushi

  1. I fuckin love Oishinbo, they pull out the science for no reason sometimes 😂 I remember one bit in the manga where they use FRESH salmon and people freak out and they’re like no no we made sure by *having this scientist go through every piece with a microscope to make sure it didn’t have parasites*

  2. That’s from „Oishinbo“ (美味しんぼ), a pretty famous anime/manga series that takes Japanese cuisine VERY seriously. Highly educative and therefore recommended.

  3. LOL, I just sent this to some co-workers that that do industrial CT in a lab and I go out for Sushi with a lot.

  4. unfortunately 99% of the sushi served is just”lumps of rice and fish”, even at the high end

  5. I had no idea sushi could be packed too tightly. I’d think that would make it better with a more solid and filing per piece bite. The gaps make a lot of sense, though, in the context of dipping it

  6. Wait is that true? You’re not supposed to pack the rice too tightly? (obviously not to this degree, but in general)

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