Where to buy 100% Sourdough Bread in Tokyo??

Does anyone know of any bakeries or stores that sell 100% Sourdough bread in Tokyo?

This is one staple I miss eating, but I haven’t really seen it in any bakeries I’ve visited here. I was wondering if any of you have seen this?


  1. There is ベッケライ テューリンガーヴァルト in 御茶ノ水.

    Probably doesn’t get any better than a German bakery, even though the owner says he’s had to alter the recipes a bit.

  2. Try searching the Tokyo subreddit. There’s a few recommendations there going back to 8 months ago and another post specifically for sourdough bread that’s 2 years old, but it might need an update.

  3. My kitchen. But it’s not for sale.

    I too craved sourdough after moving here, so I just started making it.

  4. Try BRØD in hiroo. Quality ingredients, Nordic type of bread.

    I don’t know what it’s being put in breads here but I’ve had to stop eating most of them…

  5. There is a bakery in ningyocho called parklet. It is hands down the best sourdough I’ve had in Japan. It’s about 1000 yen for a good sized loaf.

    Owned by a guy from California.

  6. I’m from SF Bay Area. Haven’t found anything remotely sour like there. Open for knowledgeable suggestions

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