Yuzuru Hanyu announces divorce: ‘Slander and stalking, it is extremely difficult to keep protecting my partner and myself’

Japanese source: https://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2023/11/17/kiji/20231117s00041000773000c.html


  1. This is heartbreaking. I hate paparazzi and similar disgusting people who don’t get others live in peace.

  2. That’s a strange way to go about a divorce. I’m guessing there’s much more to this than we’ll ever learn, especially as media here isn’t bad at all compared to other countries.

  3. I don’t keep up with this stuff but didn’t he JUST get married?? Like one month maybe two ago??

  4. Yeah there’s a 0 percent chance that’s the actual reason for the divorce. Sounds like she found out he’s gay or something and they’re both just making up some stupid fake reason to protect each other

  5. I believe it. Open and shut case, Dan-o.

    Don’t give this any further thought. His marriage definitely imploded within 2-3 months because of the press slander and stalking. No other reasons.

  6. I once had a co-teacher that got super upset when I said I didn’t know who he was…. after the class she pulled me aside and told me if I’m going to live in Japan it’s important I know about him and then she stormed off. I was confused and figured she was a few screws loose.

    I guess this guy has an unusually mental following unfortunately.

  7. Nah nothing to do with stalking, he’s just obviously gay and got sick of being married with a woman.

  8. Who cares? He is very talented but narcissistic as f. Given how camp he is, there were probably other reasons for the divorce.

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