Remote part time job on a student visa

I’m a college student from the US and have been accepted into a language school in Japan for a 1 year term starting in April. I have a tutoring part time job that is for one of the local school districts, and it is completely online and I pick up tutoring sessions a few times a week. Is this something that I can continue doing in Japan? I would not be working over 28 hours, but I did wonder things like how I would pay taxes and if I would need a work permit or if just a student visa was okay?

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Remote part time job on a student visa**

    I’m a college student from the US and have been accepted into a language school in Japan for a 1 year term starting in April. I have a tutoring part time job that is for one of the local school districts, and it is completely online and I pick up tutoring sessions a few times a week. Is this something that I can continue doing in Japan? I would not be working over 28 hours, but I did wonder things like how I would pay taxes and if I would need a work permit or if just a student visa was okay?

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