Pretty sure my neighboring apartment is suddenly being used for prostitution

A new guy, a new girl, every time I see someone enter or exit. I’ve been woken up at 3 am multiple times to the sounds of loud sex, or I hear the autolock and then apartment bell being rung for someone to enter 3-4 times a day. I also noticed a Airbnb type key box on the fence outside the building entrance appear around the same time this started happening. And the pattern is definitely young girls, older guys, and everyone seems to arrive for the first time.

I’m wondering, is there anything I can do to shut this shit down? Anyone have experience reporting something like this to the police?

Edit: I asked a guy who just happened to be in front of the door as I left my room. He confirmed he was there as a customer.

  1. Im pretty sure its not ilegal to rent the apartment. Whatever they do inside is their business. Thats their defence against any complain probably

  2. Idunno I’d mind your business honestly. Sounds like just an average airbnb being used as a love hotel. Provided it’s registered then it’s not illegal to have sex in an airbnb.

    Since it’s different people every time and not just 1 person vs a horde of different people daily it’s unlikely to be prostitution tbh. Lots of people don’t want to have sex at home.

    If you live in a shared apartment building you can notify the building manager of a possible unregistered airbnb and make a noise complaint.

  3. Ahh, sounds like Shin-Sekai station in Osaka city. Natsukashii na. Next to the park of naked homeless people too. If on the door shows stickers of “cards accepted”, then they definitely only accept card payments.

  4. These things are apparently somewhat common in big cities. These places are renting apartments and sending women there to work and offer massages (or some other service).

    Almost always they are renting as a person and the lease agreement (or building agreement if bunjo mansion) has conditions prohibiting businesses there (home businesses might be okay but this sort of thing is certainly in violation of at least some rules).

    Let the management company know and if that doesn’t work call the police (this is one of the things cops seem to actively enforce).

  5. Why are you mad about people having consensual sex? You’re gonna call the police and say people next door are having sex and that makes you upset? Don’t be such a snitch. Maybe focus on getting laid yourself instead.

  6. Can you get like a local discount or something? lol

    Maybe you can slip a note in the door telling them to keep the noise down? As long as the women aren’t being trafficked I don’t see anything wrong although being woken up at 3am each morning is not very pleasant I would imagine.

  7. Hey you could be living above a business unknowingly – are you sure your apartment is zoned correctly?

  8. The real question is not what is going on there but what negative impact does it have on you. Are you losing sleep because powwow are having sex? If so you can complain.

    Otherwise probably none of your business.

  9. Since when did airbnb allow renting by the hour? If multiple different sets of people are going in there daily this is an illegal brothel for sure 😂 Likely there’s a bar that’s the businesses “front” nearby. Just cal the cops and make a noise and suspicion of prostitution report. Report anonymously, for your safety.

  10. If I were you I would first go on Airbnb and see if I could find that address listed there. Then I would ask the apartment management whether or not it is in the apartment rules to allow Airbnb. For example my building prohibits it thank God

  11. What’s up w the all the people in these comments saying to try and get and discount, mind your business, etc? Supporting exploiting young women….

  12. Prostitution is run by organized crime, even in Japan.

    Definitely, you should report it.

    Then move.

  13. Or it’s being rented as a love hotel, not prostitution just people who live with family and want to bone privately.

  14. Take pictures and report either immigration or police. Note: Immigration has a bounty for spotting out for a visa violation; max. 50,000 yen / case.

  15. Sudden prostitution is the worst kind of prostitution!

    Well, the non-consensual type aside, that’s just rape.

  16. I did report neighbors in the past for a separate but very scary issue. I’m sure each person will have a different experience but I found the police to be largely useless in being able to immediately do something. However, the way the police went about it was to make it public that I had complained so if I were you I would look for a new place and line that up before going to the police. Just my 2 yen.

  17. Prostitution is one of the biggest industry in Japan, bigger than carmakers. Are you against the revitalization of economy?

  18. What you can do OP is you can tail one of the customers on the way to the apartment, knock them out, take their money and hide the body in the bushes.

    Then you ring the doorbell and pretend to be the customer and if you end up paying for sex you confirmed it’s a brothel and now know to contact the police.

  19. Probably being used as a shitty love hotel. How much you paying for rent?

    Don’t know if it’s still around but I remember a love hotel in Noge district, Yokohama that was just a regular shitty building (the type ALTs live in). Some people lived in the units and some were being used as love hotels. But if it’s always an old geezer and a young girl then that part is prostitution. Most of that happens at love hotels.

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