Anyone else suffering from allergies right now?

I’ve been sneezing and had blocked nose since yesterday (in Shizuoka). Anyone else and which type of pollen is this?

  1. I’ve regularly had allergies in autumn in Japan.
    Don’t know what causes it, my theory is mold or some other organisms that flourish in the fallen, rotting leaves. For me it often gets worse in areas that have huge piles of leaves.

  2. I have terrible autumn allergies and most of them share the same root allergen. It’s 稲科 for me. You can see all the allergens if you google 稲科アレルギー. I’d recommend you get a panel test done at the ENT

  3. It always happens to me as each season changes. =(

    I have no idea what the actual cause is each season; just that, at each change of season, it’s a trip to the doctor to get allergy meds. 4 times every year, like clockwork. Without it, I’d be sneezing, sporting a running nose, and itchy eyes – which gets worse each passing day.

    Since last year, the “regular” meds no longer worked for me, and doctor prescribed me with “stronger” ones.

  4. The extended autumn has has butakusa(ragweed?) hanging around for way longer and on sunny days it seems to be going nuts :/

  5. Since last week it’s been horrible. Down in Osaka it’s pretty bad too. I would not be a functional human if it weren’t for medication.

    I am also masking up. Making use of the boxes of pandemic era masks I have left in counter. 😂

  6. Blocked nose sometimes but mainly really itchy eyes… Nara.

    It wasn’t like this last year. Usually by November I’m pretty good. Next had month is January., it takes 5 minutes to put my contacts in every morning because my eyes get weird.

  7. Just everyone. I was on IV antibiotics for months and am on orals currently and somehow my allergies stopping me up have given me a god-damned sinus infection. Complete with my 2nd time ever case of vertigo. It felt like I was being spun in a drier for the half second or so from turning my head the wrong way and hitting the ground…

  8. If you are suffering from pollen allergy now, it should be artemisia, ambrosia artemisiifolia, or humulus japonicus.

  9. I have allergy since two years ago and the symptoms steadily getting worse. Now I frequently have stuff nose and itchy inner ear. I also got post nasal drip and some nights it hurt so much that I wanted to cry .

  10. Both my bf and dad are,i’m not sure what type of pollen it is but just in case you think it’s just you,nope,you’re not alone.

  11. it’s been HORRIBLE for me these last two days! thought i was going insane…good to know it’s just something in the air

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