Hiroshima style okinomiyaki from Chinchikurin in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles

Hiroshima style okinomiyaki from Chinchikurin in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles

  1. My bf and I go here whenever we’re craving comfort food (we live like 5 minutes away). It’s so tasty! Our favorite spot is Suehiro in Little Tokyo. Going to miss their original location on 2nd street but thankful that I’ll still have the nabeyaki udon in my life at the new place up the street. Have you tried the Japanese breakfast / brunch spot? Azay?

  2. I swear you can live like in Japan if you live in LA (and if you can afford it). So envious! From someone who grew up in Hiroshima.

  3. Love chinchikurin! I go most times I visit my Grandma in LT. If I’m in a hurry it’s usually just some tea and onigiri from Nijiya

  4. Hiroshima style is racist because it implies the people nuked are being compared to okonomiyaki

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