Would you recommend povo e sim?

Has anyone ever used povo e sim? How was your experience? Cheers.

  1. Yes, i have two of them. they’re amazing for burner sims for sms verification and occasionally burst data for ~48 hours when buying 330 yen unlimited data pack. can’t beat the price of free.

  2. I’ve used them, rural-ish Kansai, no issues. I too use it mainly for the cheap unlimited but sometimes I buy the “500MB+voucher” promos (like most recently, 300 yen for 500MB+donut at Mister Donut or before that, 220 yen for 500MB+Karaage-kun at Lawson).

  3. I have povo. It’s great. I almost never make phone calls using my phone – literally, the phone app is the least-used app on my phone – so I usually pay zero for calls. Data speeds are great, no stress at all. I use it for work – tethering at client meetings and such to my work laptop – and it works great. Data plans are reasonably priced with lots of options for flexibility.

  4. It’s great.
    Though my main usage is for disposable number.
    I did use it for on demand unlimited data sometimes.

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