Need some insights on undergrad application

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing good!
Got a bit of situation and could use some advice on the whole university thing.

So, after highschool, I (19M) took a gap year and landed in Japan in March this year for language school purpose. Originally, I planned to get N2, sit EJU and go with the traditional route but now I feel like N2 might not cut. So I went ahead and did the English route exams, here are my scores:

IELTS 7, SAT 1220, GPA 3.8
I feel like I could write a solid essay and get a pretty good recommendation letter.

Now the initial question: Considering my low sat score, is it realistic for me to apply to English undergrad programs like MJSP, IUP, PEARL, Nagoya G30, etc.? Would it be possible for me to get scholarships and get into a private universities with my stats? FYI, I want to study Economics. (I saw some comments about English undergrad here isn’t the best option there is but the education offered in my country is shitty so I don’t really mind English route.)

Or should I just suck it up and stick around my language school for another year and go the traditional route, eyeing for national universities? But the thing with the Japanese route is that I’m not really keen on delaying things any more than this, I already took 2 years off after graduation, my friends are already pretty far ahead, in their second and third years at uni, I feel like I’m lagging behind a bit too much.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I appreciate you for taking the time to read my post.

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    **Need some insights on undergrad application**

    Hello everyone, hope you all are doing good!
    Got a bit of situation and could use some advice on the whole university thing.

    So, after highschool, I (19M) took a gap year and landed in Japan in March this year for language school purpose. Originally, I planned to get N2, sit EJU and go with the traditional route but now I feel like N2 might not cut. So I went ahead and did the English route exams, here are my scores:

    IELTS 7, SAT 1220, GPA 3.8
    I feel like I could write a solid essay and get a pretty good recommendation letter.

    Now the initial question: Considering my low sat score, is it realistic for me to apply to English undergrad programs like MJSP, IUP, PEARL, Nagoya G30, etc.? Would it be possible for me to get scholarships and get into a private universities with my stats? FYI, I want to study Economics. (I saw some comments about English undergrad here isn’t the best option there is but the education offered in my country is shitty so I don’t really mind English route.)

    Or should I just suck it up and stick around my language school for another year and go the traditional route, eyeing for national universities? But the thing with the Japanese route is that I’m not really keen on delaying things any more than this, I already took 2 years off after graduation, my friends are already pretty far ahead, in their second and third years at uni, I feel like I’m lagging behind a bit too much.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I appreciate you for taking the time to read my post.

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