Pet shop’s ‘trade-in’ offer for beloved pup with congenital health problem angers owner – The Mainichi

Pet shop’s ‘trade-in’ offer for beloved pup with congenital health problem angers owner – The Mainichi

  1. That is the risk buying a purebred dog, most pure breeds have some congenital fault.

    Search toy poodle health and there is patellar luxation.

    Replacement seems a fine policy. A neighbour did it with a Yorkshire Terrier pup that was super aggressive to his daughter. The petshop gave them another Yorkie who was super chill instead. They told her it was the brother coming to stay as the other one got homesick and she was “okay”.

    The argument that pets are living things and can’t be replaced is kind of weakened as soon as you buy one, it literally became a commodity.

  2. >”They say ‘replace’ so easily, but what do they think of animals?”

    If you really care and want to take the moral high ground you’d go to a shelter when it comes to buying a dog in Japan.

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