I’m an ex Tech Lead and I’ve built a language learning app!

Hi everyone,

I’m an ex AI Tech Lead and I’ve built a language learning app. I’ve started 6 months ago and today I’m happy to offer our early access, completely free and with the following features:

\- Real-world conversations that adapt to your current proficiency level
\- in-context translations and romanisation for Asian languages
\- Pronunciation feedback and pronunciation improvement
\- Grammar and vocabulary feedback on your message
\- Word bank that tracks your mastery of each word using our proprietary algorithm. This system not only calculates the size of your active vocabulary but also determines how well you know each individual word.

You can access the early release here: [Mila](https://apps-milaai-test.azurewebsites.net/app)

Let me know what you think! Thank you!

  1. I tried starting a chat but the bot’s text boxes are empty… is it audio only? I didn’t see any options for text in the chat or in the settings. If that’s the case it’s unusable for me

  2. I like the app so far, but when I clicked off the chat by accident and tried to go back it removed the previous chat logs.

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